How to install NextCloudPi

Download the Image for your Hardware

Github releases

Please note images are 64 bits currently. If you have 32 bits hardware like rpi2 and lower, the image will not boot. You can still try the curl installer or use the docker version.

MD5 checksum (to verify the download)

From the Terminal (GNU/Linux & macOS)


# 1) Download the file, in this case NextCloudPi_LXD_arm64_v1.52.0.tar.gz
wget -O ./NextCloudPi_LXD_arm64_v1.52.0.tar.gz

# Verify the checksum, 2 examples
# I) Using a here-doc 
md5sum --check <<EOF
4866e0f96a1f65e9e380682c3bd894bc  NextCloudPi_LXD_arm64_v1.52.0.tar.gz
EOF # Output: NextCloudPi_LXD_arm64_v1.52.0.tar.gz: OK

# II.1) By saving to a file in the same directory
echo '4866e0f96a1f65e9e380682c3bd894bc  NextCloudPi_LXD_arm64_v1.52.0.tar.gz' > checksum

# II.2) Then verifying the checksum
md5sum --check ./checksum # Output: NextCloudPi_LXD_arm64_v1.52.0.tar.gz: OK

A new checksum file can be generated on Windows using the Command Prompt & the command

certutil -hashfile   MD5


You can run NextcloudPi from a microSD card or directly from a USB HDD/SSD connected via USB-cable if you have a supported device and bootloader. (Recommended is an SSD with USB3.0 in an enclosure so it has its own power supply)

See Raspberry Pi Documentation - Mass-storage boot.

Option 1: microSD card

  1. Check if your computer has a port for an SD or microSD card, if you have an SD card port you can use an adapter to flash the image to a microSD card.
    A microSD slot, due to its size, can easily go unnoticed or be forgotten that it’s there so it doesn’t hurt to check if you’re unsure.
  2. Use a card reader via USB-cable.

GNU/Linux & macOS

Graphical Interface
  1. Download NextcloudPi from GitHub releases:
  2. Double-click the downloaded file and then select “Extract”
  3. Click “Show the files”
  4. Download Etcher from their website
    4.1. Double-click the .zip file
    4.2. Double-click the .AppImage file
    4.3. Click “Select Image” in the Window that just opened, find the extracted .img file and click on “Open”.
  5. Etcher should automatically detect the microSD card, remember to verify it’s the one you want the image to be installed on, all data will be removed on the device you select when flashing to it.
  6. Click “Flash” in Etcher.
  1. Open a terminal and run the following commands.

  2. Run command cd $HOME/Downloads (or any other folder you’ve saved the files to).

  3. Check the file for corruption (optional).
    Run the command md5sum $ARCHIVE_FILE where $ARCHIVE_FILE is the name of the downloaded archive file including the file-type extension in the name (.tar.gz, .zip), and compare it with the hash in file md5sum which you can find on the releases page.

  4. Execute tar -xvf $ARCHIVE_FILE to extract the image, where ARCHIVE_FILE is the filename of the downloaded archive file, including the file-type extension in the name. (.tar.gz, .zip)

  5. Run command sudo dd bs=4M if=NextcloudPi_XX-XX-XX.img of=/dev/sdx, where /dev/sdx is the device mount name of your microSD card, check with lsblk or sudo lsblk.
    (More info)

  6. Run command sync.


  1. Install Etcher from their website

  2. Install 7-Zip from their website

  3. Run 7-Zip manager, find your downloaded file, right click and choose “Extract here”, there should now be an .img file present.

  4. Run Etcher and click on “Select Image”.

4.1 Find the .img file extracted earlier and click on “Open”.

  1. Etcher automatically detects the SD card, but verify that is the one you want the image to be installed on.

  2. Click “Flash” in Etcher.

Option 2: Hybrid

(/boot partition on microSD card and / partition on external USB HDD/SSD)

This will limit the media errors that usually happen when running from the microSD card, but one downside if using a USB HDD is it will be spinning up more often when the device performs read/write operations, an SSD will be quiet & faster but not as durable over the same long period of time as the HDD. Something to take into consideration if you’re planning long-term use, as in many years.

After the Option 1 steps you can move the root partition to HD or SSD, on Armbian based images you may install a tool to do this: apt install armbian-config.

Option 3: USB HDD/SDD or flash drive

See Raspberry Pi Documentation - Mass-storage boot

  • If you are using a Raspberry Pi 4 or any of the supported devices linked above, and have updated the bootloader to the latest version, you can flash the image directly to any USB media (mass-storage like a hdd/ssd or a flash drive) and boot from it.

For more detailed instructions see Raspberry Pi Documentation - Mass-storage boot and this post.

:: NOTE ::
Help needed to explain the required steps on other platforms, if you are taking this path, please consider editing this wiki.

Option 4: Install using Berryboot to a microSD card or an external USB drive

First boot

  1. Remove the microSD card and insert it into the card reader port of the Raspberry Pi.
  2. Connect the Raspberry Pi to your home router with an ethernet cable
  3. Connect the Raspberry Pi to power and it should turn on
    Or turn it on if you have a switch on the power cable

Almost up and running now, it can take a while when booting for the first time, continue to the next steps by reading: How to access NextcloudPi for Activation

We hope this doc was helpful, if you encounter any issues please reach out to the community.
These docs are written by volunteers, please consider becoming one of them.
Contact the wiki team at Matrix or Telegram

A post was merged into an existing topic: About moving the articles

Hi, the downloadlink is broken. Can you help me to find an image ?

Official images for NCP can now be found in the Github Releases only:

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Thanks for your help. Please change this

It’s fixed, feel free to join Telegram or Matrix then you can help out move the articles or fix links in the wiki’s :pray: