Staying up to date

It is wise to keep your NCP instance up to date. We’ll explore the update options available from either:

  • ncp-web on port :4443
  • ncp-config from the command line (cli) / Terminal-UI (TUI).

Keep in mind that there are 4 separate parts of NextcloudPi that need updates;

  • Debian (or Raspbian, etc.) - unattended-upgrades
  • NextCloudPi - nc-update-ncp
  • Nextcloud - nc-update-nc
    • Appstore Apps - nc-update-nc-apps

What needs updating?

Debian Nextcloud NextcloudPi Appstore Apps
Raspbian,etc. :cloud: webui / cli Deck, Calendar, etc.
unattended-upgrades nc-update-nc nc-update-ncp nc-update-nc-apps
Automation for any of these updates can be enabled from the menu.
  • Naming is the same plus an ‘auto’ part: ncp-autoupdate-ncp

Why not just update from Nextcloud itself?

Some Nextcloud upgrades either break things because they come out available before they have been properly tested by the community, or they require changes in other parts of the system to function, for instance, installing a new package or adding indices to the database.

For this reason, and because NextCloudPi aims to be completely hassle free and unattended it is recommended to only upgrade through the NextCloudPi updater so that all those changes can be done automatically for you and also so that you know that this Nextcloud version has been thoroughly tested by the community.

What if I forgot to update multiple major versions of Nextcloud, eg. 18 - 20

Nextcloud does not support updating by more than one incremental major release at a time.
You need to upgrade each major version incrementally:
19.x to 20.x
20.x to 21.x

How does nc-update-nc help me update?

Default value 0 will automatically choose the latest version suitable version for your system, once it is tested and approved by NextcloudPi’s main dev theCalcaholic.

  • This conservative release vetting is the “secret sauce” that keeps your NextcloudPi instance stable.
  • Expect standard releases might to be skipped for increased stability.

Can I force nc-update-nc to a particular version? I’m tired of waiting.

Yes! You can define the version manually to install a particular release number. Congrats, you are now a beta tester of NextcloudPi! Expect breakage and always backup first.
Remember to change back to 0 later if you wish to return to our stable release cycle.

  • Note: if you update ahead of the project, expect it might take sometime for our stable branch to catch up to you. With your help we’ll get there eventually. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
  • If you find yourself encountering undiscovered bugs, please report them to our Github or the forum. (FYI - Forum, Github or Chat: Which to use when? )
  • If you have not done so, ponder the importance of backups. :cry:


Automatically apply NextCloudPi updates (i.e. v1.12.4). A cron job checks for updates once a day.

If you’re running an NCP docker container, this will not be available. Instea, update by pulling the new image, stopping the old and starting with the new, then removing the old one else the old images will start to pile up.


Automatically apply Nextcloud updates (ex. 16.0.1)
Nextcloud will generally be auto updated after it has been checked and tested by NCP devs.


Notify in Nextcloud Admin area, when a NextCloudPi update is available


Periodically update all installed Nextcloud Apps.


Update all installed Nextcloud Apps


Update current instance to a new Nextcloud version. You can use it to update to newer and stable version of Nextcloud anytime you want. Nc-update-nextcloud will create a backup, without data, of current Nextcloud before installing the new version and revert to it if something goes wrong during the upgrade. Be careful however and make your own backup beforehand just in case the rollback doesn’t work as intended if you wish to upgrade to a version not tested by NextCloudPi developers

:: Note ::
Leaving it at 0 will update Nextcloud to the latest version tested by NextCloudPi devs at that moment. The same version that would be updated to when nc-autoupdate-nc is enabled. That is not the latest version released to stable by Nextcloud devs but rather NextCloudPi devs. You have to enter the version manually if you wish to upgrade to the latest stable version from the Nextcloud devs.

:: Warning ::
Skipping between major versions of Nextcloud upgrades is not supported, to go from v.16 to v.20 for example, you need to first upgrade from v.16 to v.17.
Then from v.17 to v.18, and v.18 to v.19, and finally from v.19 to v.20.


Update NextCloudPi. If you do not enable nc-autoupdate-ncp, you will need to manually run this once a week.


Automatic installation of security updates. Keep your OS and cloud safe. NCP users do not need to run apt manually. Should you decide to do so anyway keep in mind there are various issues that can occur, one of those being a mismatch of the PHP versions of all the modules installed, specifically the php-fpm module. Often the answer is simply to install the missing module and reboot, otherwise look to the forum for help.

We hope this doc was helpful, if you encounter any issues please reach out to the community.
These docs are written by volunteers, please consider becoming one of them.
Contact the wiki team at Matrix or Telegram