@tim.s has discovered something important for you guys dealing with collabora docker throwing problems when working with multiple domains
It appears that Collabora configuration has changed in the latest releases. I realised when I checked the docker logs:
-e ERR: Use of domain variable is not supported. First host/domain who tries to connect to COOL is always allowed.
To allow multiple host and its aliases use something like this and pass it as env variable:
For more info: https://sdk.collaboraonline.com/docs/installation/CODE_Docker_image.html
The linked article confused me a bit, and I did not get it running. Then I discovered that the mentioned configuration apparently will only be available in the upcoming docker release (https://forum.collaboraonline.com/t/fixing-code-multihost-configuration/1001/8 )
For the moment one has to change it inside the docker file. I managed to get it running again with the description mentioned here: https://forum.collaboraonline.com/t/21-11-3-4-1-problem-with-multiple-domains/991/3
Thought this may be helpful to others as well.
original posting here
April 25, 2022, 7:42pm
Many thanks for heads-up @JimmyKater : Just tested with current CODE image and it works as described (surprise - RTFM works!)
excerpt from docker-compose.yaml
image: collabora/code:
# https://sdk.collaboraonline.com/docs/installation/CODE_Docker_image.html
- aliasgroup1=${NEXTCLOUD1}
- aliasgroup2=${NEXTCLOUD2}
excerpt from .env
both Nextclouds 23.0.3 can access Collabora without issues.
Interesting point: it seems 192.168.x.x IPs are allowed by default (?!):
Installation & Configuration
Hey all, i have multiple nextcloud server in my network and CODE-server. How can I make it so that I can only connect to CODE only from one nextcloud server? F.e. i set eviroment variable in my compose file version: '3' services: code: ...
Reading time: 1 mins 🕑
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Update 2023.03.08 interesting discussion regarding alias_groups
(native install coolwds.xml)
opened 08:08PM - 22 Feb 23 UTC
closed 07:48PM - 25 Feb 23 UTC
I have been trying to get Collabora online working in a web application followin… g a similar setup as described [here](https://github.com/CollaboraOnline/collabora-online-sdk-examples/tree/master/webapp/php). I always get 404 not found or 403 forbidden when using alias_groups
Mattermost with the collabora plugin works without need of any configuration in coolwsd.xml. In the link above, the example does not mention you need to mess around with alias_groups in coolwsd, but I've been trying anything.
I've configured alias_groups with `<host desc="hostname to allow or deny." allow="true">http://domain.ca</host>` trying to get my testing url to open a document. When I do this mattermost crashes.
What is the point of alias_groups? I added my mattermost url and it still just crashes everything, and I've never been able to get collabora to work in my web application.
I would like to understand how mattermost gets Collabora working without using this alias_groups stuff. Yet I can't get anything going inside a web application. Any advice or clarification would be appreciated.
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@wwe discovered the following hint
Big thanks to him for that valuable hint!
so you better read the whole thing