Deck Android 1.19.4 - ⏳ Import progress & celebrating 5k Downloads at the Play Store

We are happy to announce the release of Deck Android 1.19.4! :partying_face:


  • :sparkles: Visualize progress when importing first account for better first run experience
  • :beetle: Fix scroll position of the comments view by @jancwe
  • :beetle: Fix potential issues when uploading attachments
  • :beetle: Fix possible race condition during upload of multiple new comments which have been created offline

Getting in touch with a new app the very first time is a sensible moment. If something doesn’t work (no matter whose fault it actually was), it is likely that the user won’t come back to the app. We worked hard to get an improved first run experience and now display the progress when importing the first account. Up to version 1.18 we just had an :hourglass_flowing_sand: indeterminate spinner - given a user has many boards and cards, one could easily get the impression that the app froze. No we display more verbose feedback to the user so they get a rough idea about what’s happening in the background.


5,000+ Downloads at the Play Store

When the Notes Android app celebrated 10k Downloads this march we were hyped. A little tool, written for personal needs only, that got that popular? Nice. But Deck? We started publishing the app at the Play Store only back in 2020 and the broad adoption and success is making us proud of our work and the work of our contributors. We can only get a rough idea about how many people are using the app actually because of the anonymous nature of F-Droid and self built packages. But the number is impressive and motivates us to keep working on the app.

To celebrate this, we will offer the app at the Play Store reduced by 66% on 2021-10-12 and¹ 2021-10-13 and 2021-10-14 (and no, this is not the secret event @jospoortvliet recently announced :laughing:).

:star::star::star::star::star: 4.6 average rating - this is your merit:

:pray: Thank you users, translators, testers and all other contributors!

And of course thank you @juliushaertl for providing the backbone of our Android client :wink:

1.19.0 - 1.19.3

Because the last blog post was about 1.18 and we didn’t write dedicated blog posts for the 1.19.x versions, i will also summarize the features since 1.19.0:

  • :framed_picture: Support preview for images which are hosted on a Nextcloud instance (1.19.0)
  • :pencil2: Remember edit / preview mode for description (1.19.0)
  • :file_folder: Allow to create multiple cards without loosing focus (1.19.0)
  • :earth_americas: Many updated translations and a complete french review by @ldmpub (1.19.1 and 1.19.2)
  • :beetle: Fix selecting neighbour list after deleting a list (1.19.0)
  • :beetle: Fix switching automatically to newly created lists (1.19.0)
  • :beetle: Fix crash on Huawei devices when working with splitscreen (1.19.1)
  • :beetle: Display infrastructure related issues only on pull2refresh (1.19.1)
  • :beetle: Workaround for Deck server bug when connecting the first time (1.19.3)

Get Deck Android 1.19.4

The release is rolled out in stages (at time writing 50%), so just be a little patient if you can’t see the update yet or switch to the beta channel.

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Get involved!

If you’d like to get involved into the development, check out our good first issues and other ways to contribute :rocket:


Update to the sale

Whoops, sorry buddies, we had a mistake here and typed 2022-10-12 to 2022-10-13 by accident (Living in the future! :laughing:)

We moved the sale therefore to 2021-10-13 to 2021-10-14.