Notes Android 3.2 - Celebrating 10.000+ Downloads at the Play Store

After the biggest release in the history of the Notes Android app we are celebrating 10.000+ Downloads at the Play Store with an average rating of 4.5 :star: and we are proud to announce the release of Nextcloud Notes Android 3.2 #apps:notes ! :partying_face:


  • :first_quarter_moon: Dark mode in widgets now uses the global Android system setting for dark / light mode for a better system integration
  • :white_check_mark: Single note widget and excerpt display checkboxes better
  • :framed_picture: Downscale and display huge images in preview mode instead of crash
  • :heavy_plus_sign: List widget uses a scrollable button instead of a fixed header to get more space
  • :art: Harmonize widget look & feel across News, Deck & Notes

ΒΉ For now only images from compatible server setups, we will continue to improve this feature.

Get Notes 3.2

The release is rolled out in stages (at time writing 10%), so just be a little patient if you can’t see the update yet or switch to the beta channel. We highly depend on feedback from you. Please let us know in case you are experiencing any :beetle: issues at GitHub.

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Get involved!

If you are interested in joining our journey to a more modern approach to develop the app, you can find our work at the 831-room branch. Of course you can also work on other tasks like translations or testing - check out our β€œ:family_man_woman_boy: Join the team”-section!