After one year of using Nextcloud and OnlyOffice, I just discovered that CommunityEdition has a limit for 20 user connections (20 docs or 20 diff users) wich is not great for me…
We are more and more users each day (around 30 users at the moment) ; and I have to make it work for more people…
So my question is : did some people have rebuild the code to remove this limitation ??
I quickly looked into the DocumentServer code and I guessed that the variable LICENSE_CONNECTIONS (in server/common/sources) is the one that we have to change.
At the moment I use the docker image so i will be happy to keep going with docker image
Thanks but the link you gave is about CollaboraOnline and not OnlyOffice
Yep alot of people are talking about this limitation but in my readings, i didn’t find no one who gave some hints about facing the limitation for OnlyOffice
oopps… i was searching for onlyoffice limitation 20 - and got this one so that i didn’t really look closer about which officesuite it was. sorry, my bad.
but maybe you want to search the forum yourself again to find out more about it. i am pretty sure there have been discussions about it here widely.
or maybe you’re gonna come to the conclusion to give the ppl at onlyoffice a try and at least call them for an offer?
OnlyOffice is a payed software, the limitations for 20 Users is because of the free community edition. If you need more connections you need to pay for a license, to hack around the license limitations in the free edition is certainly not legitimate.
I’m no pro in license but the code of the CommunityServer is under GNU GPL (find it here) which means I can modify the code and redistribute it.
I use Nextcloud and OnlyOffce for ethical reasons, getting out of Google and encouraging free software. I’m really not against making money with free software, but it is in my rights to modify the code if I want to
Same case as you.
It’s a shame when documentation isn’t up to date.
Only good technician can build OnlyOffice correctly.
Therefore i don’t have touch yet the limitation. But i prefer to be docker-INdependant rather than using it.
This isn’t an issue to solve. It’s easily done by changing a single number in the source code.
The limit is there basically to ensure quality of service.
Unless you really know what you are doing and have setup a serious server (cluster), anything more that 20 simultaneous users is unrealistic, especially with the new simplified php version.
However, I am really wondering who sets up a home system with more that 20 simultaneous users? That seems already like a high limit even for most small companies.
And if you need more than that, you should really first learn a bit more about servers and how to do simple code edits and recompile a webapp
I also have the same problem about compiling. @Krischan tell me how you compile OnlyOffice Document Server ? I’ll glad if you succeed.
For the moment, my biggest client have 50 Nextcloud users and never reached the 20´ limit. So i’m not in a hurry about compiling OO