Manual Upgrade with Shared Hosting/Webhosting

Dear all,

I have a Nextcloud instance on a shared / webhosting environment installed and no command line interface available.

The web based updater failed while doing and backup. Is there a way to manually upgrade the instance without the CLI? I did read the admin manual, but there the final upgrade step is done with occ on the command line.

Nextcloud version (eg, 12.0.2): 16.0.6
Operating system and version (eg, Ubuntu 17.04): ??
Apache or nginx version (eg, Apache 2.4.25): ??
PHP version (eg, 7.1): 7.2

If you SSH access the following command restarts the upgrade:
/usr/bin/php7.3 occ upgrade

and then turn maintenance mode off again and everything is fine.

I’ve this information from my Webhoster. So you’re command-line is possible different.

Dear @Christian3, the problem is that I do not have access to the hosting via SSH…

Are you aware of the app “occ web”?

See How to use occ commands on a Shared Hosting without SSH access

Dear @rakekniven,

I know the app. I cannot try on my productive instance, but I assume the app should crash since during upgrade the maintenance mode will be activated?

I think I have read anywhere that you can disable maintenance for a user even while updating.
I would suggest to kick off the update, go to config and set maintenance mode = true. Then try occ web.

I have the same problem. The update crashed. This is because of the php time limit on shared webspaces.
Luckily I have SSH on my webspace and it works updating this way

I found a working solution for upgrading from 16.0.7 to 17.0.3, adapting the manual upgrade procedure from the documentation

Assuming my instance is in the folder “nextcloud”

  1. Upload the new nextcloud version to a new folder, e.g. nextcloudnew
  2. enable maintenance mode by changing the config.php
  3. copy the data folder from your existing nextcloud folder to nextcloudnew
  4. copy the config/config.php to nextcloudnew/config
  5. rename folder of old installation from nextcloud to nextcloudbak
  6. rename folder of new installation from nextcloudnew to nextcloud
  7. disable maintenance mode in config.php
  8. Call your instance in a web browser, the update process will start as with the automatic upgrade process.

Thank you! Works for me too!

If you use shared hosting and have Softaculous there, you can upgrade with Softaculous as well.

Keeping data and config folder from the previously version worked, thanks!