Wiki App software?

I was looking for an app that makes possible to use a wiki with nextcloud but didnt find anything. Are there any approaches to build something like that? Or do I need to start that on my own :slight_smile:


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I love Nextcloud, but the biggest issue for me is the lack a wiki/sites app. I need something that makes use of the sharing facility among groups and circles, but for pages/sections of an intranet. It also needs to be easy for users to create new pages on the fly. PicoCMS and Tiddlywiki are good but don’t really fit the aforementioned use case. looks ideal!?

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Pepperminty Wiki - Here is the Github page

Just discovered this PHP-based Wiki solution that is very promising. It is designed to be simple, shared across multiple machines and is taking feature requests. Here is the live demo.

Nextcloud is a great tool, but the biggest omission is a proper CMS addon. If Nextcloud had proper wiki / blog functionality (like Confluence or Wordpress), with the ability to add pages or posts to the main navigation, it could be a true alternative to intranet / extranet platforms like Sharepoint, Alfresco or Confluence. We have tried PicoCMS, but that is far too fragmented, primitive and nerdy and not suitable for a full intranet / knowledge base. Same goes for Pepperminty Wiki. Hopefully Nextcoud will develop this functionality in one of the upcoming versions…


Or having installed a CMS and having an app in Nextcloud that can manage the CMS via API.

Or a plugin for Wordpress that allows one to display a Nextcloud folder or file within a Wordpress post or page :slight_smile:

from a Nextcloud share? If it Wordpress suppports webdav, it’s perhaps possible. In theory you can take any folder or any storage system that is supported with wordpress and use it with the external-storage-feature on Nextcloud to add files.

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Returning to this old topic here, anybody sees a good solution today where one could migrate an old wiki to some entity in nextcloud? any solution on the horizon?


Wäre es einfach möglich das Wiki von zu portieren? Es ist ja auch in php und erfüllt für mich als “einfacher user” alles wichtige.

@Ajoana wrote: »Would it be possible to port the wiki from It is also in php and fulfills for me as a “simple user” everything important.«
I write: The humhum “spaces” could be realized as nextcloud “circles”, wouldn’t that be a challenge for the programmers?

What about the Collectives App? Anyone tried it? I mean, it seems pretty early in its development cycle but seems to be a very simple but competent collaborative tool.

I guess it dose not have an external facing feature like a CMS would. Also, I tried using PicoCMS, and honestly, was not a huge fan of it.

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I’ve used collectives, but found the readme app most useful. It adds a rich workspace aka file to every folder you choose.

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