Nextcloud Hub = Nextcloud Major Version - 21. Filed on Github
I listened to the Hub reasoning, cannot find the exact link, where it was described to change because no one wants Nextcloud 3000.
Keep in mind, Nextcloud 3000 will also be Nextcloud Hub 2979
I humbly request considering changing the naming to reflect a single number, based on the current date. Thank you for considering!
Nextcloud 24.09
Nextcloud Hub 24.09
Or 2024.09 would be a longer number scheme that would work forever
If you do regular major releases, it would make sense to use the date like you suggested.
You can do also the versioning reflecting the impact of changes, so that for major version there are also major changes. In the past we have seen that between NC 20-30, some versions had much more important changes and with the current numbering it was not obvious (especially the changes regarding apps).
Not sure if they wanted to address this with the hub versions:
so it is not exactly
The current situation with two version numbers is a bit confusing. Internally, I am still with the old NC 20+x logic, since that counts in the end for upgrades and support for apps etc.