Annual release of Nextcloud within supported majors

Continuing the discussion from Version naming and numbering is confusing between Nextcloud and Hub:

Github issue link and here is a copy of what is written:

An annual release within majors is one of the most common methods for admins to keep stable machines running Nextcloud: they will wait a couple releases for the sake of stability. Please consider embracing an annual release for your user base, in terms of documentation or even a different selectable option besides stable. NextcloudPi offers such a thing already, so it is definitely something that can be incorporated. I think the company assisting in this process is worth considering.

I don’t mean enterprise, but I do mean making the update process smoother when the system is upgrading across the maximum number of supported major releases (3).

Seriously, the major update every few months is not quite working currently. Perhaps Nextcloud as an organization does not have to do this, so much as the documentation and update options can be refined to clarify exactly what is needed when a user moves from their existing release to the current release.

Thank you so much for considering. This also relates to suggestion #48178

This update process also applies to admins who forget to update and then scramble to find what has changed on the php/web server/component end that they must address to upgrade each major release, one at a time.