LibreOffice Online... please!

Exactly - in a time where all the big companies stealing your data wherever they can its more important then ever before to give the user the right to their data back…

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Indeed, I would never install libreoffice on my production webserver. It would be nice to have an option within the app store which asks for the libreoffice server IP.

I don’t know the details but is it possible to use this for nextcloud?

Maybe we can ask them whether they wanna create a nextcloud app for their application.

Offtopic: why would you never install libreoffice on your server? is it so dangerous?

@Ben In my opinion it’s a security thing, but a lot of people would say that’s bullshit :stuck_out_tongue: .

Don’t forget that Libreoffice support webdav and that you can already access/read/edit/save all your OC documents directly from Libreoffice by this URL : https://your.server.ip/owncloud/remote.php/webdav/documents/your-libreoffice.file

You just need to have Libreoffice already installed on your machine… (and not on your server)


@Akhenaton that is not collaborative editing.


Well, i didn’t say it was…

But you can always share a folder with shared documents that each one can edit. O.K. it’s not “stricto sensu” collaborative editing.
My remark was rather a “reminder” because i have myself many users that didn’t know Libreoffice webdav support.

@Akhenaton Thanks for the Info - Good to know !

At least a possibility to access the files!
regards, hitam4450

So we had a Documents app based on WebODF but it hasn’t been developed further for some time.

Then there’s also the joint effort with Collabora to bring LibreOffice Online to ownCloud, and hence this also works as an app for Nextcloud:

@jospoortvliet any other future plans? If so comment here too. :slight_smile:


We’ll work with them to offer good integration, of course :wink:

Until then, ownCloud Documents works well for basic documents and up to 10 users editing at once…


An app for Libreoffice Online integration exists already, but it looks like it didin’t get much further than version 0.1: and

There is also the Richdocuments app for Owncloud, but build instructions are only available for Suse:

Yes. It’s pretty clunky though. I was trying it for a while. Using Libreoffice’s webdav integration meant setting up a masterpassword for LO, using an old, ugly file browser in LO instead of the standard one, having file browsing be slow as I went through folders and occasionally hitting problems when the connection was broken. I ended up just using the ownCloud sync client to sync documents to a local folder and working with those instead.

Still, it’s good to have as an option, if you don’t want cloud files saved on the local machine though, I guess.

Well, as always, you must have a good connection. But that’s the same for all client<=>server links. No problems at all here, i have optical fiber… and i use it everyday for all my Libreoffice docs/works…
(i really prefer working directly in Libreoffice rather than going through any clumsy web interface, but your mileage may vary…)

Total agreement, there. I use LibreOffice directly as well, just with local files synced by the desktop OC client. That said, I’d still like the freedom, for myself and the people I collaborate on documents with, to be able to work on any computer with a web browser as well, rather than just machines that have LibreOffice installed.

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Thats exact what i meant - a online Office with a kind of a word a n d very important also a kind of an rich featured excel - in best case with the ability collaborate usage.

I realise that the WebODF app hasn’t received much love lately. But having something that doesn’t require running a whole additional VM for LibreOffice, would be great IMHO.

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I do like the simplicity and minimal dependencies of the WebODF approach. The big drawback, is that the underlying engine of webODF, unlike LibreOffice, only supports odt at a level beyond viewing being a technical preview at this stage, so we’re not likely to see the ability to use spreadsheets or presentations anytime soon if we go that route.

Adding these is comparatively (note: *comparatively ) simple by comparison with the LibreOffice based approach.

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I would agree that adding an app that interfaces with LOO would be a good solution. Such an app could be configurable to use the local Linux client as well.

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I concur with most of this post, collaboration and online editing should be an integral part of the core of NextCloud. Looking forward to test this new environment and hopefully it will be a smooth transition from OC to NC.