NC11 : Documents app?

I totally agree! We should be respectful in judging/validating peoples work, especially if it provides such huge possibilities and potentials!

But depending on ones needs, Collabora could be an overkill indeed. For example on my single server single user setup where I so far just need a possibility to quick editing/viewing office files :wink: .

It is little like spreed app vs app + server. First is quick and easy to install, but so far does not provide the same functionality. Installing/running a dedicated WebRTC server to hook in is some work but brings several other possibilities that can not be provided by an integrated app. Both has its value depending on users needs!

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Please return Documents app, some people just need simple option not Collabora that most of people do not know even how to install and I do not even wish to start with amount other problems people have.


Yes, please return the Documents app. After purchasing a new certificate just for the purpose of running Collabora and three days of try and fail configuration I was not able to get Collabora working on my server. I used to be able to open/view/edit LibreOffice and MSOffice documents easily but with NC11 that functionality is now gone. Please return Documents for us pleebs who can’t run Collabora.


Same here, i was shocked when i saw that documents-app isn’t compatible anymore and all i can do is uninstall it. We are using documents-app for rudimentary collaboration, for simutaneously editing same doc-file. Thats all we need, no need for a bigger solution like collabora…

Please, bring it back! :frowning:

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It was a nice app, but when i wanted to really used it, i got some trouble.
Using Firefox it consumes a lot of ram on my machine and happens a crash…
Well, my document wasn’t saved so i decided to inspect my Owncloud server to find it… without a result…
Now i have Collabora and i don’t have this problem anymore.

But it’s true Collabora isn’t for every Nextcloud Installation, Documents is easy to use/install.
Hope there will be a new version for this on Nextcloud.

I agree for the documents app. That was all i needed, and i will never install collabora.

And, by the way, don’t forget that LibreOffice support very well WebDAV.


anyone managed to hack that application to get it working? i’m stuck at “Waiting for the editor to start…”

I’m also facing same problem.

libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf mydocument.odt

The Pdf viewer is superb and know thats not and answer.

I know you already bought a certificate, but could you not have simply tested with the snakeoil certificate?

Probably could have, but it was cheap, so I’m not out all that much, and I expected it to just work, so I didn’t want to do the certificate shuffle later. Come to find out I could have gotten a Let’s Encrypt certificate for free, Doh!! Unfortunately the Docker image won’t run on a raspberry pi… At least now I’m ready for it if/when a compatible Docker image is released.

I was able, however, to install Documents by copying the app/Documents directory from NC10 over to NC11, modify appinfo/info.xml and set max-version to 12. Then go into Apps and Documents will show up in the Not Enabled category. It’s not perfect - you can at least preview documents, but editing does not work. That, for now, is enough for me. Hope this helps somebody until there is a better solution.

Thanks for replying. I picked up a couple of tidbits I’d been banging my head about, particularly the name of that new free cert site you mentioned, Lets Encrypt.

I take it you’re not keen on creating your own docker image for pi? Docker confuses the crap out of me for some reason.

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: OCR and (hardware) scanning

7 posts were split to a new topic: OCR and (hardware) scanning

It’s sort of like a wiki, since you can make changes and submit a PR on github :thumbsup:

I don’t understand why the focus of this thread went from the Documents App to OCR.
I want to update to NC11, but since the Documents App isn’t there i can’t do that right now (for me collabora is not an alternative, too much overhead e.g. need for docker, too complicated to install).
Please bring back the Documents app or at least state why it is not possible.


Was hit by surprise as well. Could you maybe at least raise a warning with confirmation, when you upgrade and an app will not be available afterwards. Would have spared me some annoying rollback operations :frowning:

Collabora seems not to be available for ARM processors (Raspberry Pi?), or at least, not in a dockerised version.
In the absence of Collabora docker for ARM architecture, is there a viable alternative that will enable editing LibreOffice and Microsoft Office documents?

Having said that, I am very deliberately moving towards writing everything in plain text such as MarkDown!

It is entirely possible, once someone maintains the codebase.
As it’s a plugin and not a core function, it requires someone with knowledge to keep it up to date.

I am also stuck with Nextcloud 10 and can not upgrade to Nextcloud 11 because the Documents app is not available.

I do not want to use Collabora Online. Is there any other alternatives? or any ideas if the Documents app will be one day available again in Nextcloud 11?

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