Windows client recreates deleted files

We are in an installation where the server is ubuntu 22.04, and the clients are mac and windows. Changing folder disposition (moving and deleting folders) works perfectly.
Windows client give very strange messages (like “|” are not allowed in the filesystem, or “.” are not allowed at the end of the filename).

After more or less one week from the moving of the folders, they have been recreated by the windows client, which decided to restore those. Why? I don’t know.
Probably synchronization stopped on client windows, and when it re-started windows client saw folder no more present on the server, and restored them.

Big problem, we are re-arranging folders and a lot of work have been lost.

Hello, did you find a solution to your problem ? We’re facing a same strange behaviour of the windows client : folders or deleted files are restored perhaps by windows client syncing other computers with online version.

Hello yes and no. We completely deinstalled windows client, remove any “strange file”, and restarted everything from scratch.

Now it is working, but it happens sometimes that files are recreated from the windows pc. As long as files are not destroyed, this is not an enormous problem. Probably it happens when a client make some modifications on the file (for example name) and another one immediately after move the file, or something similar.

The server or the client get crazy, and it happens a duplication. At least this is what I think.