Which distro/image to choose to run Nextcloud on Raspberry Pi 3?

Hi Evan,

I used the Carsten guide I quoted just above and adapted it a little bit to Debian but then, I chose to go back on Ubuntu 1) to be in the same environment as him and help to improve his tutorial 2) because of nginx issue (that could be fixed with a recent gcc version)

Hi, thanks for your reply!

What was the nginx issue that could be fixed with a recent gcc version (I have no idea yet what this means…)? And was it fixed by using ubuntu or is it now fixed in Debian/Raspbian? (if not in Debian, I guess i can’t use Raspbian + nginx + nextcloud if I understand correctly?)

Also, would you recommend to run Raspbian Jessie Lite or Ubuntu (Core?), for the fastest results? Or does it not matter that much maybe?

Thanks in advance!

So, if I understand correctly, you are now running a Pi3 with Ubuntu (server? core?) and php 7.0 / nginx 1.10 (1.11?) / mariaDB 10.0 (10.2?)?

I am double checking because then I can be certain it should be possible to get it to work :wink:

Also, please see my previous post which was meant as a reply to yours.

https://www.c-rieger.de/ is updated constantly to reflect the fastest and latest installs. Please check it out.
It is a bit of work but I have succesfully installed 3 Pi3’s using this guide. Needless to say it’s the bible for Nextcloud on a Pi. Fast, stable and extreme secure.
My next project is to get this going on a 64bit OS. Today I noticed Suse is available. There goes 4 evenings :wink:

PS. The manual guides you to this distribution: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM

Forked from the official NextCloud VM and as easy to setup, build from scripts: NextBerry
Performance tweaks will come next. Note that this is not as lightweight as the official SNAP which has more advantages on the low powered device!


Most people get stuck in tutorials, and many people are not very technical.

To add to this conversation I would like to share my own image.

I created a Nextcloud 11 Rasbian 8 with PHP7 and HTTP2 image ready to download and copy to SD card for the Raspberry Pi.

Hopefully it will help more people use NC


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For all those who wants Nextcloud on RPi 3 we have developed an image based on the Nextcloud VM. You can download it here: https://www.techandme.se/nextberry-rpi/

Please report issues (if any) to this repo: https://github.com/techandme/NextBerry Thanks!


NextCloudPi was just updated to NextCloud 12

This release includes new extras, such as backups, online installation and automount


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This build includes:
For all those who wants Nextcloud on RPi 3 we have developed an image based on the Nextcloud VM. You can download it here: NextBerry RPI – Tech and Me

Please report issues (if any) to this repo: https://github.com/techandme/NextBerry Thanks!

Auto SD resize upon boot
Choose to use HD/USB or SD card to hold /

And much more: NextBerry RPI – Tech and Me or https://github.com/techandme/NextBerry
This is a clean Rasbian image that installs Nextcloud from scratch using scripts.

I don’t know if this helps, but I’ve been using nextcloud on a RPi3 for a while now, I’m running it on Docker, you can use HypriotOS, which is a Docker-ready raspbian-based distro, it comes with only the necessary tools to run containers on it, and it’s quite lightweight compared to raspbian.

About the Nextcloud images, i’m using the Wonderfall/dockerfiles, bad thing is you have to build them yourself for ARM, though i have mine built already, so you an use them if you want to.

Nextcloud images for ARM: https://hub.docker.com/r/klud/nextcloud/

You just have to follow the instructions in the Wonderfall repo, it’s pretty straightforward.

I can also add that this rPI image is a fork of the very popular Nextcloud VM. We are the maintainers of both. So give it a try and tell us what you think. :slight_smile:

I would also like to contribute with my own docker ARM container for the Raspberry Pi

It is a dockerized version of my NextCloudPi.

This is work in progress… I am adding NextCloud extras (such as let’s encrypt) where it makes sense, but it is fully usable and very easy to install.

See how here


Just so you know, now it is pretty straightforward to get docker running over Raspbian.

Thanks to the initial push by Hypriot, the docker team provided the ARM debs for easy install




Given link is not working. How about performance running docker instances on rpi3? Compared to raspbian with apache?

That’s weird, the links work for me.

The performance of docker/rpi3 is basically the same. Docker provides “lightweight virtualization”, which basically means isolation of the userspace and some parts of the kernel but it runs just as fast as the non-dockerized version.