Very slow sync (for small files)

Proper fix is to add to bottom of php.ini for the FPM & CLI & CGI to add in:

memory_limit = 10G
post_max_size = 25G
upload_max_filesize= 25G

Then increase chunksize in /var/www/nextcloud/config/config.php:

‘chunkSize’ => ‘5120MB’,

Then you need to restart php-fpm:

systemctl restart php7.4-fpm

Simply replace the 7.4 with your version number, can be found with php -v or php -info

So far desktop sync sped right up. Still testing to see if Android app finally can finish its uploads.

I also added the preview image cacher plugin, ran the initial run, and added the cronjob. Next I will offload my MySQL, Redis, and Clamscan to a second raspi. That should offload lots of work from the pi running NextCloud

I wish there was a plugin/way to add a secondary pi to offload the primary pi’s resources for NextCloud. So you can add more processing power from another pi. It would be cool to have a way to set up master/slave next cloud servers, so you can have multiple servers serving nextcloud.