Upgrade to 24.0.3 with one error

Hello all,
I just updated Nexcloud to version 24.0.3, and I got an “integrity check” error.

Nextcloud version : 24.0.3
Operating system and version : Alpine linux
Apache or nginx version : nginx 1.22
PHP version : PHP 7.4.28

This is the first time this has happened. The previous version (before update) did not have this problem.
Here is the error that occ gave me:

   /var/www/nextcloud $ php7 occ integrity:check-core
       - core/js/mimetypelist.js:
         - expected: 94195a260a005dac543c3f6aa504f1b28e0078297fe94a4f52f012c16c109f0323eecc9f767d6949f860dfe454625fcaf1dc56f87bb8350975d8f006bbbdf14a
         - current: 1b07fb272efa65a10011ed52a6e51260343c5de2a256e1ae49f180173e2b6684ccf90d1af3c19fa97c31d42914866db46e3216883ec0d6a82cec0ad5529e78b1

The output of my Nextcloud log in Admin > Logging:

Il y a quelques erreurs concernant votre configuration.

    Certains fichiers n'ont pas passé la vérification d'intégrité. Plus d'informations sur la résolution de ce problème peuvent être trouvées dans la documentation ↗. (Liste des fichiers invalides… / Rescanner…)

(sorry my nexcloud is in frernch: trad=

There are some errors regarding your configuration.

     Some files did not pass the integrity check. More information on solving this problem can be found in the documentation ↗. (List of invalid files… / Rescan…)

Output errors in nextcloud.log :

[webdav] Fatal: InvalidArgumentException: X-OC-MTime header must be a valid positive integer at <<closure>>

 0. /var/www/nextcloud/apps/dav/lib/Connector/Sabre/Node.php line 432
 1. /var/www/nextcloud/apps/dav/lib/Connector/Sabre/File.php line 379
 2. /var/www/nextcloud/apps/dav/lib/Connector/Sabre/Directory.php line 164
 3. /var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Tree.php line 307
    OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\Directory->createFile("20220724_110314.jpg", null)
 4. /var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Tree.php line 133
    Sabre\DAV\Tree->copyNode(OCA\DAV\Upload\FutureFile {}, OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\Directory {}, "20220724_110314.jpg")

I found multiple references to this type of problem, found no resolution other than “install new version” but nothing else.

Does anyone have the same problem?


Thank you for your reply.
I thought there might be a possibility of calculating the hash via occ:maintenance
Since it’s not, I’ll grab the file version from the backup.

My problem was solved this way:
copy of my identical file but coming from the last backup:

cd nextcloud/data/updater-ocmzjk2lb6xv/backups/nextcloud-
cp core/js/mimetypelist.js <my local directory>/nextcloud/core/js/

And above all a new scan from the nextcloud interface so that it detects the files

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