Trash remain empty NCP 1.53.1 and NC 27.1.6

just updated NCP 1.53.1 and NC 27.1.6 from 27.1.5 on Odroid HC4.
Trash remain empty when deleting file (Files are immediately deleted)
tried to unlock files, full scan, reboot but still.

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I did the same update and trashbin works fine.
Just created a textfile, deleted and is now visible in trash.

Thanks for your report,
mine is still empty when trashing a textfile…Don’t know what happen.

Rolled back to 27.1.5 and trash is working fine…Maybe something is wrong with me on 27.1.6

I am facing the same problem on Nextcloud 27.1.6 (regular installation without ncp nor docker)

It seems, that deleted files are not moved to the trashbin, as the trashbin on the webinterface remains empty.
In the underlying filesystem the files actually are correctly moved to the trashbin (under <NEXTCLOUD_DATA>/<USERNAME>/files_trashbin/files/) - they are just not shown in the webinterfaces’ trashbin.

The Browser console shows the following error when opening the trashbin in the webinterface:

[ERROR] files: Error while fetching content 
Object { app: "files", uid: "<USERNAME>", level: 2, error: TypeError }
app: "files"
error: TypeError: d.parseWebdavPermissions is not a function
columnNumber: 855
fileName: "https://<NEXTCLOUD>/dist/files_trashbin-main.js?v=fe4fc48b-0"
lineNumber: 2
message: "d.parseWebdavPermissions is not a function"

Same problem here on 27.1.6.
Just created a testfile in the root of my home-folder, and deleted it right after. trash bin is still empty.
Using nextcloud with LDAP-auth but otherwise standard installation on LAMP stack, nothing special.


I filed an issue on github:

EDIT: Apparently this is already fixed and will be shipped with 27.1.7 (planned on Feb 22nd): [Bug]: NC 27.1.6: Trashbin doesn't show deleted files · Issue #43382 · nextcloud/server · GitHub

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