Translation knowledge (valid for the entire Nextcloud project) - Wiki

So I tried to write the note in a few places, didn’t know about announcements and I didn’t see your message somehow. But I removed some lanaguages, only kept Spanish, which has contributors, and that’s the next language we’d want to add… But let’s see, Lukas is also experimenting with automatic, AI guided translations :see_no_evil:

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Oh, you already put an announcement there. Let’s stick with that! Thanks :smiley:

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Added Q&A section.
Added first question “Why are there sometimes strange strings in Transifex where a translation does not make sense?”

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Added Q&A article about ordering.

Update about locating string resources in vue files.

Questions about the “String Freeze”:
Which resources on Transifex are affected by this? Is it exactly those that are listed with priority 1 at “List of resources and their priority for translation”?

When is the last date when the translations from Transifex are still considered for the release? (I’m not sure, but I suspect in the last rollouts some translations were not taken into account, even though they were already entered into Transifex 1 week before rollout).

Are updated translations also taken into account for the rollout if the program code is unchanged and there were only changes in translations?

Yes. For this resources a modification of source strings is not allowed after String Freeze.

@nickvergessen Can you answer this?

Absolutely. That is the reason for string freeze. It should give us, the translators, the chance to polish translations for the release.

There was a bug in the sync of several apps. I hope it is fixed now.
Other than that, there is no “last considered”. Sync happens every night around 4am CET/CEST and whatever was synced until we package is in.


Apparently, even after your post, some rollouts did not use the latest translation from transifex. e.g. Contacts, Two-Factor TOTP Provider

App Two-Factor TOTP Provider
Get the authentication code from the two-factor authentication app on your device.

App Two-Factor TOTP Provider 6.4.1 13.10.2022
German (de): Erhalte den Authentifizierungscode von der Zweifaktorauthentifizierung-App auf Deinem Gerät.",
Transifex, German (de) since 5.8.2022
Erhalte den Authentifizierungscode von der Zweifaktorauthentifizierung-App auf deinem Gerät.

App: contacts
The contact you were trying to edit has changed. Please manually refresh the contact. Any further edits will be discarded.

App Contacts 4.2.3 (NC24) date 15.12.2022
German (de): Der Kontakt, den Du versuchst zu bearbeiten, hat sich geändert. Bitte aktualisiere den Kontakt manuell. Alle weiteren Änderungen werden verworfen.",
Transifex, German (de) since 5.8.2022
Der Kontakt, den du versuchst zu bearbeiten, hat sich geändert. Bitte aktualisiere den Kontakt manuell. Alle weiteren Änderungen werden verworfen.

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Danke @amarillo für das auflisten der Details.
Hatte das auch schon gesehen, doch leider nicht so akribisch verfolgt.
@nickvergessen Kannst Du Dir das erklären?

6.4.1 wurde von stable6.4 aus getaggt.

Da steht Deinem und es wird derzeit nicht auf stable6.4 geported.

Wir könnten jetzt den Sync kaputt machen:

Oder das einmalig backporten, aber solange da niemand ein release macht wird sich da auch nichts ändern.

Can you elaborate on this section?

Luckily every week we get new language requests. Great. But do not simply accept it.
Please check if similar languages are already there. If so, check the team size and send a personal message to the language requester. Tell him/her about the language you found, provide link to team and ask her/him to join named team.

I requested to add Zulu with the intent of contributing a translation. My request wast declined without any information. The only similar language listed on Transifex is Swahili but it’s 0% translated. On what basis was the request to add Zulu declined?

Hello @fredmb ,

it has been me declining your request.
Last year we had more than 200 requests and not only one was serious.
Unfortunately I am not able to add any comment when accepting or declining language requests. That is poor on Transifex side (already requested improvements there).

Please add your request again and I will happily check on it.


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Just added Zulu and added you as a reviewer to the language team.

Enjoy localizing Nextcloud. Also wrote a post at Mastodon to promote it and attract more volunteers.


Dear MARK @rakekniven, I’ve a recurring issue with transifex when translating Nextcloud into Arabic and I’m not sure if this applies to other languages too. That is, when I focus on some untranslated phrases and start providing my translation the “Save to Transifex” button appears in unavailable grey mode and the translation wont be saved. See this example below:

Hello @Ali_Mohammed ,

normally you should be able to press the save button for untranslated strings.
Would you mind telling me your username at Transifex? I will check you role and see if I can provide any reason.

The link you named brings me to the general project translation overview. I did not provide any value regarding your issue.

It is AlMoWe.

As an example, you can look to any of the only few untranslated phrases of Nextcloud into Arabic.

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Thank you Mark, It worked finnaly the way you described.

However, this Plural thing doesn’t work the same way in all languages. For instance, in Arabic, there is a singular (for 1) called mofrad, a special plural called mothanna (for 2), another plural (from 3 till 10) and anoth plural (from 11 and up).

For instance, 1 user → مستخدم
2 users → مستخدمان/ مستخدمَيْن
3-10 users → مستخدمِين / مستخدمون
> 10 users → مستخدم
and to make it more complicated, we take into consideration only the last two (least significat) digits.