The Great Nextcloud Box Topic

Sticky that bad-boy with immediate effect!

Well, I’m not sure it’s that safe to tell everyone to follow these steps. I’m hoping to get a better answer from Canonical, but it may be that we simply have to wait for the fixes to get pushed.
Trying to install new snaps is not going to break anything, but it will be frustrating for new users since new snap installation on the Box has been promoted a lot by Canonical.

Always the way :slight_smile: well it’s got me up and running for now… so I can carry on writing about it!

This is what I needed! Thank you for the help.

I’m glad it all worked out, sorry it took so long to figure it out.

oh wow, I now know why stuff started breaking on reinstalling snaps, any word on having images to reflash the card, I’ve been waiting for a reliable start over point before doing any messing around with the device, oh wait just saw your github link - so you can do a clean install with the SD card? nice!

Is anyone else suffering with a super slow interface? I’ve uploaded now around 17GB of data, 16 of that images and I could brew a tea between clicking on an image and waiting for it to load up.

Similarly log in and general navigation seems so slow. Coming from a hex-core 3.5GHz-backed container I was expecting a less snappy (see what I did there? Snappy? Har har) system, but this is like watching paint dry.

Thumbnails are also taking forever to generate.

Just followed link from website, and it drops you at Western Digitals Home Page. How does one order this ?

Thanks for bringing this to our attention! The new website shop went live and apparently there are some issues…
Will post here once the store is back online.

Yep, that’s one of the biggest problem with the Pi2 I think. Things should be much better on NC11 because thumbnails should be shared among all users of an instance.

If anybody with the a broken Box could type this and give me the results, that would help:

$ sudo journalctl -r -u snap.nextcloud.apache.service --no-pager


Never mind, I found a way to break mine :slight_smile:

Hello Olivier,
but if you are not on Ubuntu Core, what are you running ???

A lookalike :slight_smile:

Core wasn’t ready to be shipped in September, so Canonical has glued together Ubuntu server LTS and snapd in a special image for us. So if users never upgrade to Core, they still get an auto-updating system for 5 years, but Core will be a better solution and the one we want, specifically to avoid this category of problems.

Will the Nextcloud Box be available with a drive bigger than 1TB one day?

I’d prefer to have a RAID solution with at least 2TB of usable storage (e.g. a 4TB disk with software RAID), so that I know my data has a chance to survive even with disk failures such as defect sectors.

Also, when will the box ship with a Rasberry Pi 3? Is there a chance it may ship with a Rasberry Pi 3 and a bigger drive, too?

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The more i look at the specs… the more im like… why do we want RPI 3 support? Wouldnt it be better with some variant of Banana Pi or such which supports faster disk I/O… Sher.lybox made the jump in its development cycle for this reason alone…

I sent Nextcloud Sales team an email asking when the RPi 3 will be supported. Their response was “Support for the Raspberry Pi3 will be available in November, at the same time the next batch of boxes will be available.” So hang in there, it will be ready soon. As far as having the option for a bigger HD space, I don’t know. You may want to send an email to the Nextcloud Sales team and find out. If you do, please post their response, I’m curious to know.

RAID is used on separate disks. Main purpose is that if one disk fails, your system keeps running and you can just replace the failing disk when the server is not used much. It doesn’t replace a backup.

If you are afraid of data corruption, you should take a look at the btrfs or ZFS filesystem:

What about the boxes that are being shiped right now? Are they running on Ubuntu Core?

We’re still waiting on Canonical to finish the OS, but once it’s ready it will be really easy to upgrade. The one major change is that apt won’t be available any more, so it’s good to get used to only rely on the snap command.