Stuck on update process. Step 5 is currently in process. Please reload this page later

Date and time are correct, I only deleted these lines because they are always the same, last entry in update.log:

2019-08-18T12:22:09+0200 [info] request to updater
2019-08-18T12:22:09+0200 [info] currentStep()
2019-08-18T12:22:09+0200 [info] Step 5 is in state “start”.

I found the .step, content:

I started the update again, if I look into the download directory the correct version (16.0.4) is there. If I start the updater again I come up to this step:

After I click on back and restart the updater I am back to the error message from the thread header.

I googled using this new information and found:


None of them worked. Any ideas how I get this inegrity check passed?
