Strange forbidden errors after upgrade to nextcloud 14


after upgrade to nextcloud 14 i encountered error 403 messages while:

  • Deleting folders
  • Uploading files that are larger than 10 MB

Deleting folder:
I just created a new folder and deleted it afterwards. The result is a error message that indicates that the file could not be deleted.

The dev tools are showing the following request:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<d:error xmlns:d="DAV:" xmlns:s="">

Uploading a large file:
Error 403 and nothing happens.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<d:error xmlns:d=β€œDAV:” xmlns:s=β€œ”>
<s:message>Could not create directory //web-file-upload-35e1b44804237f5fc324749155f457e8-1538814883800</s:message>

In this message the two slashes are looking strange to me.

What i already did:

  • Checked logs: nextcloud, php, apache error, modsecurity => No errors
  • Checked folder permissions
  • Modsecurity is set to report only, but not to block anything
  • Check that the MKCOL statement is allowed in apache config
  • Changed temp directory as pointed out here: Forbidden Sabre\DAV\Exception\Forbidden error

Can somebody give me another hint?

Omg, it was a special case with my installation. After reinstalling and testing step by step i found out what was wrong.

I am using the external storage plugin to add shares. In NC 13 one was able to avoid that a user uploads data to his root directory by setting the space limit of this user to 0 bytes. With this config it was possible to upload unlimited data to external directories.

Nextcloud 14 also adds limits in this case, but not consistently. Small files can be uploaded as before. Large file that are chunked not. Furthermore there is no proper error message.

Hi, I have the same issue where I can upload small files but can’t upload large files onto a local share which is mapped using the external storage plugin. So how did you enable large files to be uploaded on to local storage? I am getting a MKCOL 403 in the logs, when I try to upload large files using the nextcloud android client.