[SOLVED] Regular expression for tagging newly created files/folders in all subfolders

I think I get a workaround, following what I found here.

So… I tagged all the subfolders in Resource with a “Moderated” tag and set up a workflow as follows:
File system tagis tagged with Moderated (invisible) → tag the file with to moderate.

And it works.

By the way, the translation in french of File system tag, which currently is Etiquette collaborative du fichier is just ununderstandable! :sob:
Reverse translated it would be Collaborative file tag. Do you feel like it’s the same? Not at all!

Etiquette du système de fichier would be a literal translation, but even this is not as precise as the english version and Etiquette du file system or even Etiquette du fichier/dossier (file/folder tag) would even be more understandable.

Yes I know, I can contribute to the french translation, but I’m doing it here and there and I can’t be everywhere. Sorry.

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