Flow: files uploaded in specific folder

So, for those coming from Google and are scratching their head how to achieve this (like I was).

The flow wanted by the original poster is possible, but you need to use Collaborative Tags (it’s a built-in app)

This is actually described in NC official docs:

According to Flow, the tag(s) of a folder is somehow inheritable to its content, so basically:

  1. Tag the upload folder or any target folder with tag “A” (or whatever name).
  2. Create tag “B” (or whatever name).
  3. Create Flow rule, that if file system tag is “A” AND mime type is not folder, then tag the file as “B”.
  4. Create whatever Flow you need with files tagged as “B”.

No. 3 is important but unfortunately is not mentioned anywhere in the docs. This prevents tagging the top folder with both “A” and “B”. Depending on your use-case, you might not want the top folder to be processed at all (e.g. for time-based deletion).