I have the NextCloud SnappyMail App configured for my…
… email services. All services except Comcast require a One Time Password (OTP) set up before using SnappyMail as 3rd party client.
Once you configure all of the OTP’s, SnappyMail works like a charm… until you update the Docker container, then you have to repeat reconfiguring all of the email services above all over again.
(1) Complete the configuration of a NextCloud Docker instance.
(2) Complete the process for configuring the SnappyMail App.
(3) Add and or all of the web mail services I listed above
… and you can toggle thru and use any of the web based email services you’ve configured and use as intended.
(4) Update the NextCloud Docker instance to the next or latest release.
(5) Return to the [Email] TAB to access the previously configured email services that worked prior.
… and you’re prompted to log into any of those email services previously configured beginning at STEP (1).
(6) Never update the NextCloud Docker instance
Please advise how to successfully update NextCloud while also retaining the previously configured SnappyMail App email configurations?
By any chance would you know if the same issue occurs when using the NextCloud mail app?
I initially chose Snappymail because of its positive reviews over that of the NextCloud mail app, however no matter how advantageous Snappymail may appear, it’s completely useless in my current operational scenario which I’m certain others who are adopting to Docker container usage will soon discover.
hey @messengerstinxx and welcome to the wonderful world of the communityforum for Nextcloud.
For me it sounds as if there is a setup-problem with your instance. Why? I run NC in AIO (which is docker as well) together with snappymail and there is no such problem as you described. snappymail runs like a charm.
But other than that slight hint I can’t be of any more help.
The linked matter is not a bug. It was configuration matter.
I initially chose Snappymail because of its positive reviews over that of the NextCloud mail app, however no matter how advantageous Snappymail may appear, it’s completely useless in my current operational scenario which I’m certain others who are adopting to Docker container usage will soon discover.
Until you provide more info (such as your Compose file) we’re just guessing here as to why you’re experiencing this problem. At the moment we don’t even know which Docker image you’re using (there are many).
There is nothing inherently special about a Docker environment re: snappymail in terms of storing settings – at least if the containers and snappymail are both set up fully.
It would also be helpful if you filled out the support template.