Saving of changes in Onlyoffice apparently only in the database

It looks like Onlyoffice saves changes in a Word or Excel document only in the MySQL database. Not in the document itself. When I download the file the changes are not present.

Has anyone had the same experience?


Yes I’ve the same issue.
I tried to edit a document on the server itself and in my smb share, it’s the same. The document doesn’t take the changes…

Same here at first but after a few minutes the changes appear. Did not know how often the files were updated.

Is there a way to configure that?

Nextcloud v18 was the first version including OnlyOffice, that problems could be for that. Be patience and they will fix it in next releases

We now have version 18.0.3… The function is great. Unfortunately, Onlyoffice cannot be used in this way.