RuntimeException ExApp not found, please install the Context Chat Backend App from the Nextcloud AppStore

ExApp not found, please install the Context Chat Backend App from the Nextcloud AppStore
Temporary problem with indexing, trying again soon

Think this is connected with a misconfiguration or missing apps.

Installed like described ??Context Chat Backend

How to deal with this:

Is there some description out there how to get the NC assistant working

If you require additional information to assist me, please let me know. However, I believe it might be more effective to start afresh. You can find the details and context by following this LINK.

Your support is greatly appreciated."

docker.sock is only accessible to the root user, or members of the ‘docker’ group by default.

www-data does not have access to the docker daemon.

  1. Add www-data to the docker group

“sudo usermod -aG docker www-data”

  1. Change permissions on /var/run/docker.sock

“sudo chown 666 /var/run/docker.sock”

  1. Reboot

“sudo reboot”

  1. Return to AppAPI, select the default docker daemon and test the connection.

Best of luck