Running Nextcloud as a hidden service (Tor)

I would like to be able to run Nextcloud as a Tor hidden service, but even when you list the .onion address as a ā€œtrusted domainā€, nextcloud responds with a redirect to the serverā€™s public domain name, defeating the purpose. Is there some way to prevent this from happening?



mee too / ditto. I donā€™t know how to use the environment to say ā€œDear forum bot, whenever anything about this post changes, please notify me (via email or something).ā€, so I am hoping that this ā€œreplyā€ post will have similar effect. I tried ā€œLikeā€ and ā€œbookmarkā€, but there seems to be no indication that that will cause a notification when someone will actually reply to the question being asked.

This function is under the ā€œanswerā€ button :wink:

Also interested to know the answer to that question :slight_smile:

Thereā€™re a few things to look at, depending how youā€™re set up. In this case, the Tor hidden services program is acting as a reverse proxy, so youā€™ll probably need to tell Nextcloud how to deal with that. Iā€™d try setting the overwritehost option in your config.php to whatever your .onion address is, as the first step.

Thereā€™s an example configuration here, though Iā€™m not sure how relevant the given settings are to Tor. Hope this helps!

Thanks @mactrent, but unfortunately that solution is insufficient for me because I would like to be able to access Nextcloud via Tor OR the public internet. Sorry for not being more clear.

I believe thatā€™s what the conditional rewrite condition in that example configuration was for, but itā€™s admittedly pretty tough to parse.

I think this line is what tells it to only apply the overwritehost option to queries that come through the proxy:

ā€˜overwritecondaddrā€™ => ā€˜^$ā€™,

If thatā€™s not an option, then Iā€™d set up an additional reverse proxy host, and have it translate all those redirections with Apacheā€™s ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse options. Here is an old guide for doing that with ownCloud. a.lan would be your internet accessible address, and b.lan would be your .onion-accessible proxy server, rather than lan-only and internet.

I see. Iā€™ll play around with it and report back. Thanks!

I managed to make it work in a different way.
At first, I discovered this link, which tells how to create a tor onion. In a nutshell, create a directory where tor will generate its files, then make a chmod 700 in order to limit the access to the directory. Go to your torrc file which is either at /etc/tor/torrc if you run tor as root (which is not recommended and will raise a warning) or ~/.torrc if you run it as a normal user, in it, add two lines, ā€œHiddenServiceDir /path/to/the/previous/directoryā€ and ā€œHiddenServicePort 80ā€. Those lines tell tor that we want it to launch a service. The port is where tor will redirect the inputs. The last configuration step is to tell apache we want it to listen to tor. To make it, add ā€œListenā€ to /etc/apache2/sites-available/nextcloud.conf. Which should exist if you correctly set up Nextcloud.
Then launch tor and restart apache. Once you launched tor, you can check the file ā€œhostnameā€ in your directory, inside you will find your onion name.
I used to have a problem with Nextcloud telling me that the onion wasnā€™t trusted. Yet I managed to solve it, by copying the link shown in the error message and pasting it into a regular browser. By logging into the admin account, you can add the onion to the trusted domains list.
I hope this will help someone.

I have created a small tutorial, where you can see how to run a Nextcloud and expose it as a tor hidden service and https at the same time.

I assume you are using Nextcloud installed on a Debian 9 virtual machine using Docker with docker-compose (see this link to instal it) and it works at

  • modify the file docker/.examples/docker-compose/with-nginx-proxy/postgres/apache/docker-compose.yml and add it two lines in the app section
    ports :
     - 8080:80
  • restart the docker container sudo docker-compose restart app
  • install tor : sudo apt-get install tor
    • verify tor runs correctly : sudo apt-get install torsocks curl and run torify curl http://expyuzz4wqqyqhjn.onion/ (Note : the onion link used is the torprojet home). It will show the html source.
  • modify /etc/tor/torrc and add
   HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor
   HiddenServicePort 80
  • Note : Here we set the directory /var/lib/tor as the place where tor will put its file, you can chose another place.
    • Warning : the chosen place has to be owned by the user running tor (on default the user is debian-tor which owns /var/lib/tor if you want to change it run chown 700 name/of/the/directory/).
  • restart tor : sudo systemctl restart tor
  • copy paste the content of /var/lib/tor/hostname in your Tor Browser.
  • you should see an error message showing the following
    • copy the link location found in the error message and paste it into a regular browser and replace the onion part of the url with
    • confirm the .onion to be a trusted domain.
      Screenshot-2018-4-10 Admin - Nextcloud
    • in the Tor Browser, refresh and you should be able to log in.

Thatā€™s it ! Your Nextcloud should be online.


@Swarthon: Awesome. I will give it a try!

@Swarthon thatā€™s a great tutorial :100: