RC5 of Nextcloud 30 - Hub 9

Here is the latest RC before the final release! :tada:

Thank you all for the dedicated support and reviewing of those last beta/RC! :bowing_woman:



What changed

after installing this version and now the final 30, errors started pouring in RuntimeException image not found: image:apps/whiteboard.svg webroot: serverroot:/var/www/

Me too :frowning:

same error for me

Can someone please post the full exception?

[no app in context] Fehler: image not found: image:apps/whiteboard.svg webroot:/nextcloud serverroot:/var/www/nextcloud
	GET /nextcloud/ocs/v2.php/apps/notifications/api/v2/notifications?format=json

Opened issue here

The following worked for me.
I downloaded and activated the Whiteboard app. This resulted in around 100 error messages. Immediately after this, I deactivated the app and then removed it. This also produced dozens of error messages. But since then, the error messages “image not found: image:apps/whiteboard.svg” have disappeared.

confirm. also working solution for me


This is the first time to test the RC version.

I tested it on Ubuntu 24.04 with apache/2/4.58, PHP 8.3.6, and MariaDB 11.4.3.

It worked, but Warnings on the admin page, spread out so many warnings even if I edited it.
For example, over the PHP memory 512M warning, I edited php.ini.
But it is still a warning message.

I remain what I did on the notion, check the below link.
notion link

you can also log in by below link,
ID: tester
PW: Gnsl1234!@

Good days all in all.