If you still have all the files, you can take a look at the backups. Also take a look at the server migration guide to install the backup on a new Nextcloud.
Thank you for your help, i found the backup file so thankyou for this
i am having this issue any ideas, i tried everything i can think of but no luck
as you can see the file is in the directory and i refreased the datafile with
$ sudo -u www-data php ./occ files:scan-app-data
any more help would be greatly appreciated
Passwords did an Autobackup yesterday the only way i could get it back to work was restore this with --no-user-settings, and it stopped the internal server error
its ok i found an old CSV file with my passwords in it i am missing a few but i have the main ones,
would it cause issues because now im using MYSQL V8 where the snap version uses V5
i tried ./occ passwords:backup:restore
with all these commands
and nothing worked just kept displaying the internal error
there was a an AUTObackup from yesterday, it had no passwords in it because the new instance was still blank so i restored this and with ./occ passwords:backup:restore --no-user-settings and the server came back online.
if you send me an email ill forward the log file for you,