OnlyOffice compiled with Mobile Edit Back

You will have to dive inside your pre-installed onlyoffice docker container and extract the conf file (the one i spoke about changing the passcode)
You will have also to take off your cert and put them inside my container.

It’s kind of bad using OnlyOffice Docker container in HTTPS Mode (443) on every update you have to fight a little bit on configuring it.
You should configure your Apache or Nginx Proxy using HTTPS in the front side and « proxy » the packets to your container in HTTP (80), like i do in this HOW TO.

sorry for my ignorance, but i don’t know much about where these files are.
could you tell me where to find the mentioned conf file?
this would be the nginx conf file located in the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf directory
and the certificate files are what are in the / var / www / onlyoffice / Data / certs folder?
from already thank you

Hello Nemskiller,

Thank you for spending the time on creating this and sharing it with the community, it works perfectly in my environment!

I wanted to avoid worrying about manual edits for the JWT secret so I made my own fork of the container (not shared publicly at this time) with the below section added to the top of the file. Its a quick hack, and there is probably a better way to achieve this but it works for making it a drop-in replacement for people using JWT_ENABLED and JWT_SECRET variables (note: if there are other variables, it doesn’t consider them at this time, but support could be added in a similar way). Anyway, figured I would share it back in case anyone finds it useful, feel free to include it in the image or use the idea and implement it in a better way. Alternatively, you can completely ignore this if you think it is a bad idea.

Another thing to note, I also changed the last line of from “bash” to “tail -f /dev/null” as my container would exit after this script completed. Could be something specific to my environment.

if [ "$JWT_ENABLED" = true ]; then
        sed -i /out/linux_64/onlyoffice/documentserver/server/Common/config/default.json -e "s/{\"string\": \"secret\",/{\"string\": \"$JWT_SECRET\",/g"
        sed -i /out/linux_64/onlyoffice/documentserver/server/Common/config/default.json -e 's/"browser": false,/"browser": true,/g'
        sed -i /out/linux_64/onlyoffice/documentserver/server/Common/config/default.json -e 's/"inbox": false,/"inbox": true,/g'
        sed -i /out/linux_64/onlyoffice/documentserver/server/Common/config/default.json -e 's/"outbox": false/"outbox": true/g'
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Thanks for your work man. Could you contact me have some questions. Thanks.

sorry for my ignorance, but i don’t know much about where these files are.
could you tell me where to find the mentioned conf file?
this would be the nginx conf file located in the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf directory
and the certificate files are what are in the / var / www / onlyoffice / Data / certs folder?
from already thank you

when trying to access the server through http: // my-ip / 8000 the following message appears
502 Bad Gateway
what can i do to fix this error?

I’m getting this error when trying to start the image, any idea?

ERROR:  database "onlyoffice" already exists
ERROR:  role "onlyoffice" already exists
psql:/out/linux_64/onlyoffice/documentserver/server/schema/postgresql/createdb.sql:20: NOTICE:  relation "doc_changes" already exists, skipping
psql:/out/linux_64/onlyoffice/documentserver/server/schema/postgresql/createdb.sql:36: NOTICE:  relation "task_result" already exists, skipping
mkdir: cannot create directory 'fonts': File exists

@cowbe0x004 This errors are normal because the Container have already created those files.

I am sorry for the others but i am in vacations and i don’t have my computer. I can’t test and upgrade the container at the moment.

OnlyOffice released v5.6.0. This will be my first job when i will come back. Around the 20th of August

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I’m having a lot of difficulties with the container to make it work, I don’t have much experience with docker, nginx and etc.
If you do not ask for much it would be possible to create a new VM for vmware esxi containing the 2 containers, one being the nextcloud and the other the onlyoffice already ready for those who have no experience to be able to use it in problems. I thank you in advance.

Can you move up the connection limit to around 250 or even more?

I’ve tried many times to compile the source myself but always failed. it’s very very time consuming and very frustrated…

Sorry but i won’t go any further on the restrictions limitation.
100 concurrent connections is enough for most of users i aim with this Docker container.
If you really need 250 or more concurrent connections i suggest you to look here :

And read the closed issues.
With that you will be able to modify the limit to 250 and then compile it.

where do i have to switch to 100 connections?
for me, it is enough, but I am trying to recompile directly on a server without using a docker, as I cannot use it. could you instruct me where to change to 100 connections to use a build_tools tool?

Have a look here, it shows what file needs modification and how to compile from sources…

The indication on the file to modify is correct.
But the website of Autoize isn’t updated anymore.
He left the forum when he gets in an hard ideological discussion against @jospoortvliet about OnlyOffice.
So his files aren’t working anymore.
Nor his building indication.
@fabiobarbosa you have to follow the OnlyOffice repository of build_tools to successfully build onlyoffice. Look into the closed issues and see the user warnerbryce, He asked about his problems when trying to compile OO.

yes i am trying, but when doing the process it already compiles with the limitation of 20 connections is not it?
how to change the limitation to 100 without compiling it first, what I don’t understand.

Start the build_tools process
And stop it when it start compiling
Modify now the files you want (the build_tools download them automatically)
Then modify the conf file at the root folder of the build tool. There is a line about updates put a 0 instead of the 1.
Restart the python script for building.
It will build with your modded files

I’m trying to do it through the build_tools process and now it’s stopped on that screen, apparently it didn’t give an error but still stopped there.
is it running normally?

I can’t tell you i didn’t compile 5.6.0 for the moment :hushed:
At each update you have to do tricks to compile.

You are on a ubuntu 14.04 right ?
If no, build a vm with an ubuntu 14.04. It won’t work if you are on this version

I believe this is key!
Anything above was bombing…

so it only works if i am on ubuntu 14.04 correct? the one I’m using is 16.04