OnlyOffice compiled with Mobile Edit Back

Where can i find this conf, Or i have to create new one ?
And Can i use it for standalone (no nextcloud)


You create a new conf file with the lines i gave you just under it.
You cannot use it without an interface.
Nextcloud / owncloud is one of them.
if you just type https:// you won’t go anywhere.

If you use Nextcloud, you can have it on the same host or not at all.


at the moment I start my onlyoffice docker container with the following command:

docker run -i -t -d -p -e JWTENABLED='true' -e JWTSECRET='MyJWTSecret' -e JWT_HEADER='MyJWTHeader' --restart=always onlyoffice/documentserver:

This does not work with your image. Can you please support the JWT… environment variables too?


I can’t make use of JWT with the way OnlyOffice provide the tool for creating the docker container :woozy_face::neutral_face::triumph::angry:
That why on my how to you have to :
Create your container, then ssh into it, then mod a file to enable and add your JWT secret, then restart the container and your done.

I have tried, but without success! Have 2 different passwords and don’t know where to place SECRET and where HEADER

Also have to to manual changes on every update of the image…

Here is my code (i modded my password) :

“secret”: {
“browser”: {“string”: “YouDontKnowMe2020”, "file ": “”, “tenants”: {}},
“inbox”: {“string”: “YouDontKnowMe2020”, “file”: “”, “tenants”: {}},
“outbox”: {“string”: “YouDontKnowMe2020”, “file” : “”},
“session”: {“string”: “YouDontKnowMe2020”, "file ": “”}
“token”: {
“enable”: {
“browser”: true,
“request”: {
“inbox”: true,
“outbox”: true
“browser”: {
“secretFromInbox”: true

For the moment yes, you have to redo that on every updates.
I will update only on point revisions : 5.3 will be the next update.
The way OnlyOffice let me build from code source is by using the development config file, the production config file don’t work. That’s why we can’t user the -e arguments in Docker.
I will try to find a solution to that when i will have time or if someone can help me.


I found where to place the JWT_HEADER value: line 173 and 178

                                "inbox": {
                                    "header": "MyJWTHeader",
                                    "prefix": "Bearer ",
                                    "inBody": false
                            "outbox": {
                                    "header": "MyJWTHeader",
                                    "prefix": "Bearer ",
                                    "algorithm": "HS256",
                                    "expires": "5m",
                                    "inBody": false

the JWTSECRET is to place in lines 156 to 159 as you suggested in the howto :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot!

Hi Everyone.
The Docker Container get really updated to 5.5.3.
100 connections simultaneous and Mobile Edition
Stay safe



Good work!

I see there’s been quite a bit of progress on the open-sourcing of things.

Good afternoon. There is an interesting error. If the Docker is located on the server with nextcloud, the password is accepted. If on a separate host with nginx ssl, when trying to set a password, it writes “Error while downloading the document file to be converted”, if without a password, then “Invalid token”. Nginx settings for your instructions.

@EvKo I just made testing for your case.
I don’t have any problem.
My nextcloud server is NC 18.0.5 with nginx 1.19 and valid ssl certs
My OnlyOffice is on another wan with my docker version and nginx 1.19 with valid ssl cert.
Contact me by MP i will give you an onlyoffice url with password to test

Edit : The nginx conf file was wrongly configured.

How can I restart server safely disconnecting all users from documents?
sudo docker exec “CONTAINER” - dont work

I don’t have access for the moment at my computer.
You could do a
docker exec -it CONTENER_ID /bin/bash and look where is the script and launch it to see if you have problems

Maybe i will have to add it by hand :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:t2:. But thank you for this option, i will look at it to implement that on the next update

I have priv certificate and everything is cool, but how to start a docker with Https, e.g. port 921? . I tried

docker run -i -t -d -p 921: 443 --restart = always
-v / app / onlyoffice / DocumentServer / data: / var / www / onlyoffice / Data nemskiller007 / officeunleashed

/app/onlyoffice/DocumentServer/data/certs < - I put the certificate here
But I think something is wrong: /

Don’t use OnlyOffice with selfcert or certs inside the docker containers.
Configure your Nginx or Apache to proxy it.
It is better to handle ssl certs with certbot for Nginx (or Apache) than to configure the Docker Container of OnlyOffice.

In local the proxy will talk with onlyoffice container in http mode without cert. and for the client all will be in https mode.

I understand, I understand logical :slight_smile:
But I wanted to know if you gave it to your docker?
If so, how to run it?
Is there no such option and it’s over :slight_smile:

i just updated my Docker Image on Docker HUB.
You can now use this command to shutdown the internal functions of OnlyOffice before restarting your Docker Container.
docker exec “CONTAINER”
works now.

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Thanks for this. Any thoughts on how to add plugins like Zotero. I followed the instructions in listed using method 1. Placed the plugin src folder in /out/linux…/sdkjs-plugins/ but the plugin does not appear.

Thanks a lot for your job :slight_smile:
one question, is it possible to have only document server with the fix ? and use seperate containers for rabbitmq, database ?
I don’t know if it is linked but your image (including all services) consume arround 4% CPU, 300mb of RAM.
When the official onlyoffice document_server use arround 0.3% of CPU and 700mb of RAM + rabbitmq 0.45% of CPU and 110mb of RAM + postgre 0.02% of CPU and 15 mb of RAM

Do you have any idea on why this difference between the 2 ? mostly on CPU and RAM ?

I managed to download the docker container worked just fine, but I would like your help on how to point my nextcloud to this installation.
I have 2 containers running on the same machine, 1 is the nextcloud that already points to a pre-installed onlyoffice pointing to
This onlyoffice container is configured on port 443 / tcp.
I would like your help to make changes to your docker image so that it has the same settings.
I would run your image on the same server as the image from the previous onlyoffice keeping the same note in the nextcloud.