Nextcloud where to translate user manual

Hi all,
Since several hours i am looking after the way how the user manual is translated.
I did not find any recent topic. The last one links to
Transifex says that everything is 100% translated.
But, if i look at the user manual at Manuel utilisateur de Nextcloud latest : Introduction — Documentation Nextcloud latest User Manual latest there are plenty of parts that are not translated.

So i think i am missing something. Can anyone help me out ?

There are two non-profit organisations whom i proposed to install Nextcloud because its sure that it will make their work much easier. But Nextcloud is not so easy and a good user manual would be a fine start. Instead of explaining the same thing several times i prefer to spent some time in translating, hoping others do the same.

Thanks for your help ! And Happy 2025.

Try joining the Transifex team and start translating whatever section you found. I would guess there are communication tools for asking these sorts of questions within Transifex itself after joining.

I joined Transifex years ago. In transifex it is stated that Nextcloud user manual is 100 % translated, though when i look at it, it is far from 100%.
IMHO it is not a transifex problem (it may be mine).

I am short in time today and will have a look at it tomorrow.

Does that prevent you from making further edits? Wondering if you can edit it anyways.

Yes, i can edit. i made a small grammar correction in

Hello @LucVV ,

something is not ok with the docs site.
No language switcher visible.

And you are right, the named page should be french pure (all strings from this page resource are translaged).

Contacted some sysadmin.

Same to you.

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That problem exists also for the german user manual:

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Reported it. See