[OUTDATED] Nextcloud + nginx reverse proxy + letsencrypt in docker containers

Hey mate, you are an absolute legend!!
Hugely appreciate your time and efforts helping me with this!

I am just away from my Mac atm but will definitely try this out either tonight or tomorrow and report back.

Have a great weekend! :+1:t2:


Had the same issue than tk1, and werenā€™t able to find why it wasnā€™t working.
Just retry with your last docker-compose.yml and nginx.tmpl and I can confirm itā€™s working on my side.


Another weird behavior, I canā€™t upload file more than 1M.

Itā€™s well configured in nextcloud to 10G, but seems that nginx variable client_max_body_size is not set, so we use the default 1M value.

Do you have the same problem ?

Hi Snowyo

Sincere apologies for the delay in getting back to youā€¦had something come up at work and wasnā€™t able to get back to this.

Okay the good news is that I have managed to get it working following your latest instructions!!

The only issue I am currently experiencing is (as per tinsjourney above) I cannot seem to upload any files above 4M in size (in fact it might even be less than this but thats just were the desktop client seems to reset).

Steps I have taken to fix this:

Adding the following to ./proxy/conf.d/default.conf

http {
client_max_body_size 30M;

I then restarted the nginx container.

This did not fix the problem. Any ideas?

Did you find any solution to this as yet?

@tinsjourney, @tk1

I have not found a fix for the configuration above. But with digging into the topic I tried out this container image by the same author that combines the docker-gen and nginx reverse proxy function in one container and seems to be more user friendly.

The docker-compose file is very similar to the other configuration:

With this configuration there is an easy fix for your problem:

Create a .conf file and add it to the folder ./proxy/conf.d/. The name does not matter.

client_max_body_size 100m;

(You just need this one line)

For more information see GitHub - nginx-proxy/nginx-proxy: Automated nginx proxy for Docker containers using docker-gen

No luck unfortunately :frowning:

Tried adding this line to the default.conf file which gets created after running the docker-compose (tried pausing and unpausing etc.) and also tried adding in a separate file.conf to ./proxy/conf.d/ but again, no luck.

Any thoughts?

PS - still not had any further success integrating the wekan container into this setup. My ultimate goal is to be able to integrate wekan and possibly one or two other images (Wordpress etc.) as well. Any help (as always) would be hugely appreciated!

Have a great weekend.


For your Wekan container problem you can try this:

There might be an issue with the docker networks. Docker-compose version 2 creates a network for each docker compose file. So when you start the wekan container with a seperate compose file it might not be recognised.

Solution to this is creating a external docker-network like I explained in the initial post. You have to add the nginx proxy, wonderfall/nextcloud and mariadb container to the network. When creating the compose file for your wekan container define the same external network and add the wekan container to it.

Sorry I am a little confusedā€¦ Do I create a new docker-network (named something else) so that I end up with two networks? And if so, which containers connect to which network(s)?

If you have the time I would be very grateful for a step-by-step walk through of the process to get this up and running successfully. Once I have learnt how to do this I am hopeful I will be able to replicate the procedure to do the same with a WordPress container!

Appreciate your help very much my friend!

Ok Sorry for the confusion :wink:

It depends a little on where you started. If you started with my original guide from the first post you have created a docker network in the past and can use that one. The solution I posted later didnā€™t use an external network.

What I got from reading the guides for the containers and Issues on GitHub is the following:

  • For the docker-gen container to create the right proxy configuration it needs to be in the same network as the container to be proxied (in your case Nextcloud and Wekan)
  • Docker-Compose (v2) creates a default docker-network for all containers in the file (that is the reason why my later example didnā€™t need one)
  • If you use two docker-compose files (as you said you do), the only solution to get the containers in the same network is to use an external defined one

So the step by step solution would be the following:

  1. Check if you (still) got the network with docker network ls. Look for something like that

3202169f7225 nginx-proxy bridge local

  1. If you donā€™t have it create it with

docker network create -d bridge nginx-proxy

  1. Go to your compose files. Start with the file where you defined the nginx-proxy and docker-gen container. I asume it is your nextcloud configuration. Add to the end of the file (replace the dots with spaces)

ā€¦name: nginx-proxy

  1. Now add to the nginx-proxy container, the docker-gen container, the database and the nextcloud container these lines. (replace the dots with spaces)

ā€¦- proxy-tier

  1. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for your Wekan compose file.

Cheers mate, Iā€™ll try this now!

BTW - I found this yesterday -->

Seems to simplify things greatly. Apparently not compatible with v2 docker-compose but wondering does this matter?
Have written to the author for some guidance on integration with other containers but not heard back as yet. Will keep you posted if/when I hear anything.

Thanks again my friend!


Could be a possibility, but as far as I see it has one downside: It requires you to list all domains in the https-portal compose file. Your setup with 2 seperate compose files or dynamically adding containers for other sub domains seems impossible without reconfiguring and restarting https-portal.

There is a somewhat simpler solution than the 3 containers (nginx, docker-gen, letsencrypt) that I postet before. It uses the same tech, but combines nginx and docker-gen in one container. With that setup the template file is included in the container, so you donā€™t have to worry about that anymore. It is heavily used (>5million pulls from dockerhub) and developed (currently > 30 pull requests on github).
When going through the comits to the template file in the container, I saw that there are some security issues adressed, that I would not have ever known of. So I feel better off having the community keeping track of it :wink:

In my test the letsencrypt integration worked without any problems and personally Iā€™ll go with this container from now on. When I have some free time Iā€™ll rewrite the whole guide and give some new docker-compose examples.


Thank you Snowoy for the great work. I have now repeated your instructions couple of times but all the times I get to the same error. I get the service up and running quite stably, but when I fill the login credentials for the db I get following error message

							Error while trying to create admin user: Failed to connect to the database: An exception occured in driver: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2 "No such file or directory")				

Just canā€™t figure out what this is aboutā€¦

thanks for this info.

I confirm it works when adding the line to ./proxy/conf.d

FYI I also try a per virtual host conf described here https://github.com/jwilder/nginx-proxy#per-virtual_host
but it doesnā€™t work when you first start your container and wait for letā€™s encrypt request on port 80.
Once you have a valid certificate, and you had your custom nginx con to ./proxy/vhost.d/{VIRTUAL_HOST} thereā€™s no problem.
need to check with JrCs/docker-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion

@yatzy can you post the docker compose logs?

docker-compose logs

Possible solutions I can think of right know:

  • Check the volume in your database container for typos.

- ./nextcloud/db:/var/lib/mysql

  • And try deleting the db folder and restart the containers.

docker-compose down
sudo rm nextcloud/db/ -r
docker-compose up -d

@tinsjourney thanks for the info :slight_smile:

Heres the docker-compose logs

Could not find anything unusual from db container. Worth of noting that Iā€™m somewhat new to docker, but I guess ā€˜docker inspect mariadb:10ā€™ was what you were looking for?

After restarting the containers could not connect to nextcloud anymore.

Thank you for your help! It would be brilliant to get this working.

I meant the volume definition in the compose file.

I compared your log with the logs of my working setup and found no unusual lines or errors. Could you show the compose file? (remember to replace/delete passwords / domain name before uploading)

hey snowyo

iā€™ve been messing around with owncloud for years, never got it working ā€¦

now nextcloudā€™s guideline are a little more user friendly, I got it working but when I try to configure the fancy performance enhancing thingies like php-fpm and memchache, my knowlege results in a broken dedicated ubuntu server wich i need to reinstallā€¦ also reverse dns a lot of trial and error

so now i want to figure things out with docker

do you have any tips or guides? github sents me to : https://github.com/indiehosters/nextcloud

thx anyway


Iā€™ve brought together some examples in my Github Repo. (As posted here )

I used a few other docker containers for letsencrypt certificates and the reverse proxy. I hope it gives you a starting point.

I just came home from a vacation, but I plan to update / add more examples soon. If you have any question feel free to ask in this forum or open a github issue.

Hello Snowyo,

thank you for this great work. I use the wonderfall/nextcloud image a long time with Selfhost. But your solution with LetsEncrypt is perfect. One question:
I also use the image wonderfall/rainloop. Nextcloud is on domain.de. Rainloop on mail.domain.de. Is there a way rainloop to use with your solution? Whats to do?


PS: I have a solution. Its very easy. Thanks for your work