January 21, 2025, 4:33pm
The Basics
Nextcloud Server:
Operating system and version:
When did this problem seem to first start?
Either after NC 29.0.9 update or after Fritz!OS 8.02 update
Summary of the issue you are facing:
In Fritz!OS > Telephone > Address Book added the Nextcloud address book via CardDAV URL https://mydomain.org/remote.php/dav/addressbooks/users/username/contacts/
Previously all contacts then showed up in Fritz!OS webUI for that address book and changes could be fetched by clicking the Sync button.
Steps to replicate it (hint: details matter!):
But now while syncing seems to work and throws no error no contacts do show for that address book.
Not sure when this issue started though.
Syncing takes a while and Fritz!OS informs that it will continue in the background.
In Android in the Fon App, nothing shows up in Telephone Book, while this previously worked fine.
This is especially odd since on iOS fon app the telephone book still shows.
Struggeled as well, some time ago.
Raised tickets at AVM, but no helpful response.
Found old topic and there you can see a bit history.
I have a wish which is actually not directly for nextcloud. I would like to synchronise my nextcloud addressbook with that of the fritzbox (very popular and cool router, mainly know in Germany) or at least regularly download the next. The reason why I am posting it here is that since nextcloud is a German company as well as avm it might be easier for the nextcloud team to persuade avm to do this then by a simple user request. They already have support for Google-Addressbook, 1&1, web.de and GMX.…
My posting will not help you directly
January 21, 2025, 5:05pm
Have found AVM Support to not be that great. Reported various issues. They acknowledge the issue and then everything goes into a void.
Was partly hoping to get some feedback of other users running Fritz!OS 8.02 and syncing address book via CardDAV. Is this working for anybody with current versions?
January 25, 2025, 12:47pm
Maybe I was just too impatient? When checking today the phone book showed in Fritz!OS webui and fon app. On iOS contact images do show. On Android they don’t - oh well, but that is not a Nextcloud problem.
February 2, 2025, 12:47pm
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