December 30, 2021, 9:28pm
hi @brianv
the log looks like there is an issue with reverse proxy:
Firefox can't establish connection to server wss://docserver1.xxx.eu/cool/https%3A%2F%2Fapp.xxx.eu%2Findex.php%2Fapps%2Frichdocuments%2Fwopi%2Ffiles%2F1047_ocj09au06x6t%3Faccess_token%3DqwSalpjD4ekeGSVQHMMlJTdQ0bacKaSB%26access_token_ttl%3D0%26permission%3Dedit/ws?WOPISrc=https%3A%2F%2Fapp.xxx.eu%2Findex.php%2Fapps%2Frichdocuments%2Fwopi%2Ffiles%2F1047_ocj09au06x6t&compat=/ws. cool.html:254:12275
please carefully work through discussions on this forum - you find useful troubleshooting hints
The developers of nextcloud 23 decided to release a non-working richdocuments app (v5.0.0). No idea why. The richdocuments developer was aware of this problem before the official release of 23. Plenty of time to pull the app and prevent this.
To fix collabora (on a fresh install):
Download nextcloud 23;
go into /var/www/nextcloud/apps/
download https://github.com/nextcloud/richdocuments/releases/download/v4.1.2/richdocuments.tar.gz
tar xf richdocuments tar.gz
chown -R www-data:www-…
Hi there and merry Christmas,
I am having this issue with Collabora. I am currently running it in docker on an RPi 4 with 4 GB of ram. In the nextcloud settings, it says that the CODE server is reachable, however, when I try to open a document, it gives the error:
“Document loading failed
Failed to load nextcloud office - please try again later”
I am running collabora without ssl as it is handled by reverse proxy (haproxy). In the docker logs for the NC container, the only entry I get regard…
Hi together,
just upgraded vom NC22 und NC23 … now I’m looking for the switch where you turn “Nextcloud Office” on
Does anyone have a robust working Docker compose solution for these together? I consider myself a reasonably advanced linux user/admin, but have had a horrible time trying to setup Collabora with Nextclod behind Traefik. I have replicated so many examples from others online, I have downgraded the collabora container, I have played with the WOPI host and network access hosts in XML config to open up access to everyone, out of desperation. And more. Even messing with TLS SNI.
It is literally the …
I had a docker installation with NC21 (from NC19) with traefik and collabora as extra container. After upgrade to latest collabora image collabora/code: I experienced issue with error “Failed to read document from storage. Please contact your storage server (cloud.example.com ) administrator.” as described here
triying to figure out if this is a collabora issue I went back to older collabora version (unfortunately I used “latest” tag initially so I don’t really know which one…