Migration from Owncloud 9.1.1 to Nextcloud - installation fails


Im trying to migrate my Owncloud to Nextcould as mentioned above.
The installtion of nextcloud starts orderly and stops with undefined error when already configured users are checked.
I initialy deleted the affected user without success because the second time the Installation freezes at a different user.
Rollback to Owncloud 9.1.1 with “old” config and data-folder works fine.

I have already checked my logfile but everything seems to be ok there.
Unfortunately Im not able to start /occ upgrade because it is a shared webserver without ssh-console.

Any ideas?

You shouldn’t try to reinstall Nextcloud, but simply perform a normal update:

Since you have no access to the shell, instead of sudo -u www-data php occ maintenance:mode --on set the 'maintenance' value in config/config.php to true.
Instead of extracting the tar ball on the server extract it manually before uploading.
And instead of running sudo -u apache php occ upgrade just open the web UI.

Afterwards set the 'maintenance' value in config/config.php to false again.


I tried to perform the update as you described above unfortunately without success.
Same error, Update starts and stops when configured users are checked.
It seems as if there would be something wrong ?!

Update vorbereiten
Log-Level auf “debug” gesetzt
Wartungsmodus eingeschaltet
Prüft, ob das Datenbankschema aktualisiert werden kann (dies kann je nach Datenbankgröße sehr lange dauern)
[1 / 27]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_appconfig
[2 / 27]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_storages
[3 / 27]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_mounts
[4 / 27]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_mimetypes
[5 / 27]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_filecache
[6 / 27]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_group_user
[7 / 27]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_group_admin
[8 / 27]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_groups
[9 / 27]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_preferences
[10 / 27]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_properties
[11 / 27]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_share
[12 / 27]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_jobs
[13 / 27]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_users
[14 / 27]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_authtoken
[15 / 27]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_bruteforce_attempts
[16 / 27]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_vcategory
[17 / 27]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_vcategory_to_object
[18 / 27]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_systemtag
[19 / 27]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_systemtag_object_mapping
[20 / 27]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_systemtag_group
[21 / 27]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_privatedata
[22 / 27]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_file_locks
[23 / 27]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_comments
[24 / 27]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_comments_read_markers
[25 / 27]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_credentials
[26 / 27]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_admin_sections
[27 / 27]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_admin_settings
Datenbankschema-Aktualisierung überprüft
Es wird nach Updates für die Apps gesucht
Prüft, ob das Datenbankschema für dav aktualisiert werden kann (dies kann je nach Datenbankgröße sehr lange dauern)
[1 / 10]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_addressbooks
[2 / 10]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_cards
[3 / 10]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_addressbookchanges
[4 / 10]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_calendarobjects
[5 / 10]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_calendars
[6 / 10]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_calendarchanges
[7 / 10]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_calendarsubscriptions
[8 / 10]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_schedulingobjects
[9 / 10]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_cards_properties
[10 / 10]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_dav_shares
Prüft, ob das Datenbankschema für files_trashbin aktualisiert werden kann (dies kann je nach Datenbankgröße sehr lange dauern)
[1 / 1]: Überprüfe Tabelle oc_files_trash
Datenbankschema-Aktualisierung für Apps überprüft
Das Datenbankschema wird aktualisiert
Datenbank aktualisiert

[1/0] - [24/0]

Then Installation-circle turns round and nothing happens.

From my Point of view there seems to be a Problem concerning the existing users/passwords…


Do you have ssh access? If so, try to run the update from there: ./occ upgrade

No unfortunately it is a shared webserver without ssh Access ;(
Perhaps I can convince the admins to do this for me.

We are talking round about 50 users otherwise I would consider to delete all users.

I’m just thinking loud: Could one just “migrate” the NC setup to a local machine, carry out the upgrade and then migrate back? Since the upgrade normally doesn’t touch the data, you would only need to migrate the database and the config file.

You can actually run 50 users on a shared webserver? I’m surprised.

You could also download the database backup and to the update locally. But honestly 9.1.1 to 10.0.1 should be a question of seconds.

Yes I can, its just a kind of storage place for our fire department and no file-server or similar.

Im not sure if it will make a dirrerence to run the update locally.
I have already migrated another instance without problems so Im wonderig about this problem.
Same provider, different server, same features.

I have backuped all data locally by downloading the files this should not be the showstopper.

Furthermore I have already tried to do the upgrade by moving the config.php to a new nc-installtion without success.

Ok, it seems as if I would have solved the problem by deleting the group-assignment of the existing users.
Upgrade to Nextcloud passed successfully.
