Location of Logs for Connection Issues


Had Nextcloud connected into collabora happily for some time, so my setup is generally okay. Both run as container images and served through the same reverse-proxy. They’re not set to update unless I do so manually.

However, as of a few days ago, suddenly, Nextcloud isn’t able to connect to the Collabora server:


Is there anywhere I can get more detailed logging information for this? I don’t see anything in the main nextcloud logs when I slick the “save” button; the collabora server is also definitely up, I can reach the admin dashboard on that subdomain fine, and nothing in that container’s logs indicating any problems.

Are failed connection attempts from the settings logged in any more detail somewhere?


please review Collabora integration guide.

I would check container STDOUT using docker logs ${container name} and review reverse proxy access logs to see if requests for both systems arrive and proceed to the right container.

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Version information would be helpful (of Nextcloud Server and Nextcloud Office)

What is your loglevel set to? Most common errors are logged at the error and warning levels, which would appear if you’re using the default loglevel (2). You can also always temporarily adjust your loglevel to 1 or even 0 to see if something else useful turns up.

Check that you can reach the discovery and capabilities URLs from both your browser and Nextcloud Server container:
