I can't upload files to Nextcloud

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In order to help you as quickly as possible, before clicking Create Topic please provide as much of the below as you can. Feel free to use a pastebin service for logs, otherwise either indent short log examples with four spaces:


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NextcloudPi version v1.53.0
Nextcloud version (eg, 20.0.5):
Operating system and version (eg, Ubuntu 20.04): Debian GNU/Linux 11. 5.15.61-v8+

The issue you are facing:
I cant upload files bigger than ~20kb to Nextcloud. Almost empty textfiles work. But at around 3k words the file gets to big.
Error Message:

Erwartete Dateigröße von 10485760 bytes, aber 8192 bytes gelesen (vom Nextcloud-Client) und geschrieben (in den Nextcloud-Speicher). Dies kann entweder ein Netzwerkproblem auf der sendenden Seite oder ein Problem beim Schreiben in den Speicher auf der Serverseite sein.

Steps to replicate it:

  1. Upload a File to Nextcloud

The output of your Nextcloud log in Admin > Logging:

Fehler	no app in context	Sabre\DAV\Exception\BadRequest: Erwartete Dateigröße von 10485760 bytes, aber 8192 bytes gelesen (vom Nextcloud-Client) und geschrieben (in den Nextcloud-Speicher). Dies kann entweder ein Netzwerkproblem auf der sendenden Seite oder ein Problem beim Schreiben in den Speicher auf der Serverseite sein.

    /var/www/nextcloud/apps/dav/lib/Connector/Sabre/Directory.php - line 149:


    /var/www/nextcloud/apps/dav/lib/Upload/UploadFolder.php - line 50:

    OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\Directory->createFile("*** sensiti ... *")

    /var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php - line 1098:

    OCA\DAV\Upload\UploadFolder->createFile("*** sensiti ... *")

    /var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/CorePlugin.php - line 504:

    Sabre\DAV\Server->createFile("*** sensiti ... *")

    /var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/sabre/event/lib/WildcardEmitterTrait.php - line 89:


    /var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php - line 472:


    /var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php - line 253:


    /var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php - line 321:


    /var/www/nextcloud/apps/dav/lib/Server.php - line 365:


    /var/www/nextcloud/apps/dav/appinfo/v2/remote.php - line 35:


    /var/www/nextcloud/remote.php - line 172:

    require_once("/var/www/ne ... p")

Fehler	PHP	fread(): Unable to create temporary file, Check permissions in temporary files directory. at /var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/icewind/streams/src/Wrapper.php#55	
Fehler	PHP	fread(): file created in the system's temporary directory at /var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/icewind/streams/src/Wrapper.php#55

The output of your config.php file in /path/to/nextcloud (make sure you remove any identifiable information!):

In other threads it seemed to be a problem with php but i dont understood the solution. Im very new to this and still trying to figure things out.
If i can give you more information just let me know (and maybe how do it).

have a nice week

Maybe this might help:


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Thank you.
Now im facing a new problem. I tried to use this:

if i use;
cd /var/www/nextcloud/config
i get permission denied.
if i do:
su root
and i type in the correct passwort i get
This Account is currently not aviable
and lastly i tried
sudo nano php.config
i just create an empty file…
i can only cd into var/www

How can i acces the php.config?

okay i managed to do it with
sudo nano cd /var/www/nextcloud/config/config.php
and it works.

Thank you so much. Have a nice Christmas!

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