Since we profit a lot from Nextcloud, I´d like to give some experience back.
Can someone move this topic to the HowTo section please?
Basics …
Current installation: Ubuntu 14.04 and Owncloud 9.0.1
Target: Ubuntu 16.04 and Nextcloud 11
(but I think, we are not the only ones, using this):
Since a matching package php5-apcu for OC 9.0.1 is not available from the repos for 14.04, it is installed manually and prevents clean updating.
Due to this I will remove the package php5-apcu first:
sudo service apache2 stop
sudo apt-get purge php5-apcu
And delete the MEMCache
entry in the config file as well:
REMOVE: '\\OC\\Memcache\\APCu',
sudo service apache2 start
Install latest updates:
sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
Update OC to 9.1.4:
- Going the offical way:
Migrate to Nextcloud 10:
- Enable Maintenance Mode with the command line tool:
User www-data (in OC directory):
sudo -u www-data php occ maintenance:mode --on
sudo service apache2 stop
Backup existing configuration and database ( config.php and directory data )
Delete the ownCloud code and extract the Nextcloud code
Copy back the configuration file & data directory
Change version in config.php to
sudo service apache2 start
- Start the upgrade process with the command line tool
- Disable Maintenance Mode
In this state, the installation should work fine, for example logging in, opening files. In my environment we have an AD integration as well which is working.
Update OS:
sudo do-release-upgrade
After Release-Upgrade:
sudo apt-get purge php5-common
sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php
In this state, the nextCloud page should show just plain text without pictures or
sudo apt-get install php7.0-{mysql,gd,curl,zip,mbstring,ldap}
sudo apt-get install php-mysql
Update Nextcloud from 10 to 11 on the “broken” installation
- Enable Maintenance Mode with the command line tool:
User www-data(in OC directory):
sudo -u www-data php occ maintenance:mode --on
sudo service apache2 stop
Backup existing configuration and database ( config.php and directory data )
Delete the old nextCloud code and extract the Nextcloud code
Copy back the configuration file & data directory
sudo service apache2 start
- Go to OC directory:
sudo -u www-data php occ upgrade
sudo -u www-data php occ maintenance:mode --off
Enable Caching again:
sudo apt-get install php-apcu
- MEMCache Eintrag aus
'memcache.local' => '\\OC\\Memcache\\APCu',
sudo service apache2 restart
Nextcloud is running in this configuration for 2 weeks now.
We experienced one small problem:
LDAP authentication is currently not so fast as with the Owncloud installation. If there are updates on this topic, I will insert them here.
For any questions, don´t hesitate to ask.