How to force First Run Wizard to to show for user on their next login

It is often desirable to have the First Run Wizard display the next time a user logs in.

How can you force the First Run Wizard to display the next time a user logs into Nextcloud?

An example of why you might need to do this is when, after creating an account, the admin must login as that user to configure their account with their mailing address, phone number, set the user’s photo, etc. The problem is, the First Run WIzard only runs the first time a user logs in, and you want them to see it when they do actually login for their first time.

Here’s how you force the First Run Wizard for either a particular user, or every active user, the next time they login to NextCloud:

First, we login to the the MariaDB monitor:

$ mysql -uroot -p

Next, we switch to the active NextCloud database:

MariaDB [(none)]> use database nextcloud001

Next, let’s perform a SELECT statement to display the oc_preferences table:

MariaDB [nextcloud001]> select * from oc_preferences where appid='firstrunwizard';

If we want to only force the wizard to display for a single user named “randy”, do the following:

MariaDB [nextcloud001]> update oc_preferences set configvalue='1' where userid='randy' and  appid='firstrunwizard';

That will force the wizard to run the next time “randy” logs in.

To do this for all users the next time they log in, do the following:

MariaDB [nextcloud001]> update oc_preferences set configvalue='1' where appid='firstrunwizard';

Running the SELECT statement above again will show a “1” for the users who will see the First Run Wizard and a “0” for users who will not see it on their next login.

Now we can exit the MariaDB monitor:

MariaDB [nextcloud001]> quit

In the examples above, the database is “nextcloud001” and the individual user is “randy”, merely adjust these values for your particular installation and you can cut and paste the above code to force the first run wizard to run the next time any user logs in, or a particular user logs in, respectively.

I hope that helps and please do feel free to let me know if this helped you by leaving a reply to this thread below.


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today it should be
update oc_preferences set configvalue='1' where userid='your user' and appid='firstrunwizard' and configkey = 'show' ;