How to change the welcome message and translation for the welcome email sent to a new user

Hello, Community,

by configuring Nextcloud, I noticed an error in the Italian translation for the welcome email, so I would like to correct it:


Benvenuto a bordo di Username


Benvenuto a bordo, Username!

So, I need to remove “di” (equivalent to the English “of”), and I desire to replace it with a comma + the variable for the Username. The original Italian translation sounds not really good in that way…

Where the welcome phrase and its translations are saved, for the welcome email sent to a new user?

Thank you

I think you can change the translation.

"Welcome aboard %s" : "Benvenuto a bordo di %s",
in /path/to/nextcloud/apps/settings/l10n/it.js

Maybe you must change it on every Nextcloud upgrade.

server/it.js at master · nextcloud/server · GitHub
(line 100)

Perhaps someone can change the translation if it is an error (transiflex).


Great, @devnull, perfect! A thousand thanks. If I can fork the Nextcloud project on GitHub, I would change it, because it’s not really correct, at least for the Italian version of the welcome.

The same for:

“Welcome to your %s account, you can add, protect, and share your data.” : “Benvenuto nel tuo account %s, puoi aggiungere, proteggere e condividere i tuoi dati.”,

Maybe would be better to write:

“Welcome to your %s account, where you can add, protect, and share your data.” : “Benvenuto nel tuo account su %s, dove puoi aggiungere, proteggere e condividere i tuoi dati.”,


“Welcome to your %s account! Here you can add, protect, and share your data.” : “Benvenuto nel tuo account su %s! Qui puoi aggiungere, proteggere e condividere i tuoi dati.”,

Another thing: when you receive the welcome email, for example, there is a useful link ( which guides the user to install the client app, but the Nextcloud site is not in Italian, so there is no continuity for the user’s language. Would be good the possibility to select the Italian language too on the Nextcloud website (the same for other languages), if the website and documentation can be available to be translated.

Thank you so much for your help!

Please do not fork Nextcloud. :wink:

Please use Transflex (perhaps the wrong link, i do not use it) or write here an issue (ok not really the right position). Also perhaps someone in this forum can change it or can contact you with PN.

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Sorry, I don’t know the correct way to do the things. Tell me how I can contribute, if I can. Thank you

There is a subforum translation.
There you can search and ask your question again. Set a link to this thread if you open a new thread there. Thanks.

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Thank you. I used your previous link, Transflex, and I found:

I joined them!

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Hello at all. Regarding this topic, here an update and a relative question:

thanks to @devnull’s info, trying to avoid an overwriting after a Nextcloud update, I created a custom theme and I created a folder /themes/mytheme/apps/settings/l10n inside it, customizing the Italian messages for the Welcome email template but, if I change the English part (the key on the left, to be translated), the generated welcome email is just in English and with the original text (so, it doesn’t work). From the other hand, if I just change the translation (leaving the original key as it is), it works correctly, but in this way there is a mismatch between the key and the value.

Which is the proper way to change the key (the left English text to be translated) in the .js and .json files, together with relative language translation value? Where I have to update the key content to correctly generate the translated email (I think that I have to change the key in all the other languages too).

Thank you

Ok, maybe I understood:

the key (the left English text to be translated), in my case, is defined in the /apps/settings/lib/Mailer/NewUserMailHelper.php file. So I also have to replace the string in that file, before changing the key content in the .js and .json files :+1: I don’t know if this is the correct way to customize the email template (by using a custom theme to avoid the overwriting when Nextcloud updates).

Thank you