I have tried to sync multiple folders from my local machine to nextcloud, it worked for a few years, but now it is like creating a loop…
I have one Nextcloud Home folder on my Local machine that was created by the desktop client (Linux). This folder syncs just fine.
I need to sync a folder from another local drive and i would like it to stay there…
My first workaround was to sync my second existing folder locally to the Nextcloud home folder but creating a redundancy.
Later I created a new Folder Sync, but that created a new folder in the Nextcloud Home folder, that was then syncing itself also. I just unchecked that folder for syncing in the Home folder and that worked for like two years.
This workaround does not work anymore.
I have tried to apply this ‘Solution’ :
But no succes with this.
I am confused. Am I trying to do something impossible ?
What I would like to do is sync a few existing folders on my system to nextcloud, preferably without having to displace them or having to create multiple copies on my local system. How can I do this ?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Kind regards,