High CPU load (Linux Desktop Client)


I’m using Linux Mint 18.4 (KDE) on my Lenovo W530 notebook.

Everything works fine but after synchronizing files, the client uses 100% of one of my CPU cores and this state remains unchanged until restarting the nextcloud client.

Plasmashell on NVIDIA hardware is known to cause high CPU loads, when animation of notification icons is enabled.

There’s a workaround for this phenomenon and after applying the recommended Changes in the “NotificationIcon.qml” none of my other programs causes plasmashell to eat CPU.

Any ideas?


The Nextcloud development of the client is still behind that of owncloud. They are currently make a huge effort to release a new version with client-side encryption which is out for testing:

It could be a good idea to test the new client if this bug has been fixed there. And if it still remains, please report it directly to the bugtracker on Issues · nextcloud/desktop · GitHub

I came up with another work around using cpulimit in the Autostart command. Solved it for me.

I’m having the same problem on KDE neon, trying cpulimit now, thanks.

$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: neon
Description:    KDE neon User Edition 5.16
Release:        18.04
Codename:       bionic

$ nextcloud --version
Nextcloud version 2.5.2git
Using Qt 5.12.3, built against Qt 5.9.5
Using 'OpenSSL 1.1.1  11 Sep 2018'

There are a few topics on github:

Please contribute to these topic if your problem is related, if not please open a new issue. Workarounds are a nice thing to fix something temporarily but please make sure the developers are aware of the problem and can solve it.