First, not sure if this is in the right category. Mods, feel free to move it as appropriate – sorry, it’s my first post!
Ok, I have no problems with thumbnail generation (using preview generator) or anything. The gallery is working fine EXCEPT that I cannot see full sized pictures! It loads the largest preview image instead of a full-size image when I click on it. I get that for previews this is helpful, or maybe for mobile clients on mobile data, but when I’m viewing pictures at home on my LAN, I want the full image! Also, when sharing pictures I don’t want other people only getting small preview images and having to download each file independently.
If I download the file via the link/button, I get the full image but, then I have to use an external image viewer. If I right-click on the displayed image and download that, I can see that’s it’s just a preview image.
Is there a solution to this? Perhaps an option to enable full-sized pictures instead of just previews?
So this is not something that NextCloud can do or that the dev team is looking into as an option? Just asking because a big reason I’m using NextCloud instead of other options is easy web-access to my documents AND pictures. If there is no easy option to view full-sized pictures when desired, then I’ll look into another alternative instead and maybe check back in with NC in future versions.
It certainly something that could be integrated. If there is a need, open a new feature request. There were some questions in the old topic, how to avoid mobile devices using up their bandwidth, … and then of course some help would be appreciated.
Thanks, I’ll post something in the feature requests as suggested. Also, if I stumble onto a possible solution, I’ll update the topic for future readers. Thanks again!