After installing Nextcloud with Ubuntu i sucessfully created a file drop, where anyone can upload files without a Login.
To this topic i have two questions (i tried to solve it by myself, but i didnt find a solution):
- I would love to store uploaded Files in seperate Folders. One per Upload… I know i could make a new folder and create a new File Drop for this, but i want to Nexctloud to do it automatically…
Like: Person A uploads content at monday 08:00 a.m. → Automatically stores in the new folder “filedrop_monday0800”; Person B uploads content at the same time → Automatically stores in new folder “filedrop_monda0800_2” - I want to restrict the size of the uploaded file-bundle to a specific size e.g. 100MB.
Is there a possibilty to get the functionallity i want with nextcloud?
Thanks much for help