Feature request: Initial file sync (virtual files) should be done by index file

Hey community,

where to do feature requests? Is this the right place?

As mentioned in Virtual files. Initial sync very slow the initial file sync is really slow.

We use Nextcloud as our company cloud and whenever there is a new employee he has to wait hours to finish his initial file sync, even though we’ve selected virtual files. Downloading 100 gb of data would be a good reason, but as we’re only downloading a list of files available and not really the files it shouldn’t take as long.

Please modify Nextcloud to keeping track of its files (Indexing) or add a function “render_index_now()” to create a file tree before downloading this tree as a single file which is then used by the Windows Client to recreate that tree in virtual files. Instead of waiting 6 hours for a list of 100 gb it could be done in 5 minutes and the user would be up and ready to go. The list our desktop client goes over often states “18 kb”. That’s a sync rate of 3 kb / hour.

Thanks for your consideration.
Lars Dreier

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