Exception: Updates between multiple major versions and downgrades are unsupported 26.01

I tried to upodate an old version to the newest one. The problem is, that i have to run php 8.2. the old versiondo not support this. I tried to install the newest version at the same server in an other folder. But after I copied the old config and data to the new installion it tries to downgrade the installation.
I am using a server from domainfactory

What can I do

Hi @dsossna,
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Your description doesn’t make sense. If you have an old installation it must be running older PHP… Start there and upgrade the system one version at time until you reach a state where you can update PHP to more modern version and continue upgrading to last NC version. depending on you versions multiple iterations may be required.

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As you already have noticed yourself, you can’t bypass the “upgrade one major version at a time” requirement by copying the old data folder to a new installation.

As @wwe said: Downgrade PHP to the latest version that is still supported by your current Nextcloud version → Upgrade Nextcloud, one major version at a time, to the latest version that still supports the PHP version you downgraded to → Upgrade PHP to the latest version that is still supported by the Nextcloud Version you upgraded to. → Upgrade Nextcloud, one major version at a time… → Upgrade PHP… etc… etc… until you reach PHP8.2 and NC 26.

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