Since upgrading to beta RC3 from stable 29.06
I’m getting many warning messages.
Maybe it’s due to running the (30.0.0 RC3)
{“reqId”:“ChO5OSe8Z7VNrpZNnIOp”,“level”:2,“time”:“2024-09-04T08:07:20+00:00”,“remoteAddr”:“xxxx”,“user”:“xxxxx”,“app”:“no app in context”,“method”:“GET”,“url”:“/ocs/v2.php/apps/notifications/api/v2/notifications”,“message”:“Icon of notification is not an absolute URL and does not work in mobile and desktop clients [app: survey_client, subject: updated]”,“userAgent”:“Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:129.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/129.0”,“version”:“”,“data”:,“id”:“66d815b3dc1c4”}
Please do not mix things up. There is no button that will magically make all the errors and warnings you receive disappear. You need to look at them individually, find the cause and then take appropriate action.
Also, the mime type warning is not an error, and I thought we solved that issue in the other thread, so there is no point in bringing it up again here. It will only confuse the people trying to help you.
So, Instead of mentioning other irrelavant things here, it would have been better to fill out the support template, because we don’t even know how you installed Nextcloud, how it is configured, what OS, web server, database etc you are using. And no, people won’t spend their time looking for this information in your old posts in case you’ve posted it before.
According to this post, it is likely that it could be due to your web server config. So I would start with comparing your config with the one from the official documentation: