Emojis not working

I get “???” when I try so send emojis on my android app through my NC 17.

I did everythin written here: https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/stable/admin_manual/configuration_database/mysql_4byte_support.html

MariaDB [nextcloud]> show variables like 'innodb_file_format';

| Variable_name | Value |
| innodb_file_format | Barracuda |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

MariaDB [nextcloud]> show variables like ‘innodb_file_per_table’;
| Variable_name | Value |
| innodb_file_per_table | ON |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

MariaDB [nextcloud]> show variables like ‘innodb_large_prefix’;
| Variable_name | Value |
| innodb_large_prefix | ON |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Server version: 10.1.41-MariaDB-0+deb9u1 Debian 9.9

OS: Unknown 9.11 stretch
Kernel: x86_64 Linux 5.0.21-2-pve


| nextcloud/oc_accounts | 42885 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_activity | 42886 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_activity_mq | 42887 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_addressbookchanges | 42888 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_addressbooks | 42889 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_appconfig | 42890 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_audioplayer_albums | 42891 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_audioplayer_artists | 42892 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_audioplayer_genre | 42893 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_audioplayer_playlist_tracks | 42894 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_audioplayer_playlists | 42895 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_audioplayer_stats | 42896 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_audioplayer_streams | 42897 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_audioplayer_tracks | 42898 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_authtoken | 42899 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_bookmarks | 42900 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_bookmarks_folders | 42901 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_bookmarks_folders_bookmarks | 42902 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_bookmarks_tags | 42903 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_bruteforce_attempts | 42904 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_calendar_invitations | 42905 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_calendar_resources | 42906 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_calendar_rooms | 42907 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_calendarchanges | 42908 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_calendarobjects | 42909 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_calendarobjects_props | 42910 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_calendars | 42911 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_calendarsubscriptions | 42912 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_cards | 42913 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_cards_properties | 42914 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_carnet_metadata | 42915 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_circles_circles | 42916 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_circles_clouds | 42917 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_circles_groups | 42918 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_circles_links | 42919 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_circles_members | 42920 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_circles_shares | 42921 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_cms_pico_websites | 42922 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_collres_accesscache | 42923 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_collres_collections | 42924 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_collres_resources | 42925 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_comments | 42926 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_comments_read_markers | 42927 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_cookbook_keywords | 42928 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_cookbook_names | 42929 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_cospend_bill_owers | 42930 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_cospend_bills | 42931 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_cospend_ext_projects | 42932 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_cospend_members | 42933 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_cospend_projects | 42934 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_cospend_shares | 42935 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_credentials | 42936 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_dashboard_events | 42937 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_dashboard_settings | 42938 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_dav_shares | 42939 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_deck_assigned_labels | 42940 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_deck_assigned_users | 42941 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_deck_attachment | 42942 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_deck_board_acl | 42943 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_deck_boards | 42944 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_deck_cards | 42945 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_deck_labels | 42946 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_deck_stacks | 42947 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_directlink | 42948 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_e2e_encryption_lock | 42949 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_federated_reshares | 42950 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_file_locks | 42951 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_filecache | 42952 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_files_antivirus | 42953 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_files_avir_status | 42954 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_files_trash | 42955 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_flow_checks | 42956 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_flow_operations | 42957 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_fulltextsearch_indexes | 42958 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_fulltextsearch_ticks | 42959 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_gpxedit_options | 42960 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_gpxedit_tile_servers | 42961 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_gpxmotion_options | 42962 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_gpxmotion_tile_server | 42963 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_gpxpod_directories | 42964 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_gpxpod_options_values | 42965 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_gpxpod_pictures | 42966 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_gpxpod_tile_servers | 42967 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_gpxpod_tracks | 42968 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_group_admin | 42969 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_group_folders | 42970 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_group_folders_acl | 42971 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_group_folders_groups | 42972 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_group_folders_manage | 42973 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_group_folders_trash | 42974 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_group_user | 42975 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_groups | 42976 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_jobs | 42977 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_login_flow_v2 | 42978 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_mail_accounts | 42979 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_mail_aliases | 42980 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_mail_attachments | 42981 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_mail_coll_addresses | 42982 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_mail_mailboxes | 42983 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_maps_address_geo | 42984 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_maps_apikeys | 42985 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_maps_device_points | 42986 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_maps_devices | 42987 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_maps_favorites | 42988 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_maps_photos | 42989 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_maps_tracks | 42990 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_migrations | 42991 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_mimetypes | 42992 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_mindmaps | 42993 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_mindmaps_acl | 42994 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_mindmaps_nodes | 42995 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_mounts | 42996 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_music_albums | 42997 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_music_ampache_sessions | 42998 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_music_ampache_users | 42999 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_music_artists | 43000 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_music_cache | 43001 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_music_playlists | 43002 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_music_tracks | 43003 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_notes_meta | 43004 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_notifications | 43005 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_notifications_pushtokens | 43006 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_oauth2_access_tokens | 43007 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_oauth2_clients | 43008 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_ocdownloader_adminsettings | 43009 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_ocdownloader_personalsettings | 43010 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_ocdownloader_queue | 43011 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_ocsms_config | 43012 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_ocsms_conversation_read_states | 43013 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_ocsms_sendmessage_queue | 43014 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_ocsms_smsdatas | 43015 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_ocsms_user_datas | 43016 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_passman_credentials | 43017 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_passman_delete_vault_request | 43018 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_passman_files | 43019 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_passman_revisions | 43020 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_passman_share_request | 43021 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_passman_sharing_acl | 43022 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_passman_vaults | 43023 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_passwords_entity_challenge | 43024 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_passwords_entity_folder | 43025 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_passwords_entity_folder_revision | 43026 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_passwords_entity_keychain | 43027 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_passwords_entity_password | 43028 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_passwords_entity_password_revision | 43029 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_passwords_entity_session | 43030 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_passwords_entity_share | 43031 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_passwords_entity_tag | 43032 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_passwords_entity_tag_revision | 43033 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_passwords_relation_password_tag | 43034 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_phonetrack_devices | 43035 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_phonetrack_filtersb | 43036 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_phonetrack_geofences | 43037 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_phonetrack_options | 43038 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_phonetrack_points | 43039 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_phonetrack_proxims | 43040 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_phonetrack_pubshares | 43041 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_phonetrack_sessions | 43042 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_phonetrack_shares | 43043 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_phonetrack_tileserver | 43044 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_polls_comments | 43045 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_polls_events | 43046 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_polls_notif | 43047 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_polls_options | 43048 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_polls_votes | 43049 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_preferences | 43050 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_preview_generation | 43051 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_privacy_admins | 43052 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_properties | 43053 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_quicknotes_colors | 43054 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_quicknotes_notes | 43055 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_quicknotes_shares | 43056 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_quicknotes_tasks | 43057 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_radio_stations | 43058 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_ransomware_detection | 43059 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_richdocuments_assets | 43060 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_richdocuments_direct | 43061 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_richdocuments_member | 43062 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_richdocuments_wopi | 43063 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_schedulingobjects | 43064 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_sensorlogger_data_types | 43065 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_sensorlogger_device_data_types | 43066 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_sensorlogger_device_groups | 43067 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_sensorlogger_device_types | 43068 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_sensorlogger_devices | 43069 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_sensorlogger_logs | 43070 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_share | 43071 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_share_external | 43072 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_storages | 43073 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_systemtag | 43074 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_systemtag_group | 43075 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_systemtag_object_mapping | 43076 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_talk_commands | 43077 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_talk_guests | 43078 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_talk_participants | 43079 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_talk_rooms | 43080 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_talk_signaling | 43081 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_text_documents | 43082 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_text_sessions | 43083 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_text_steps | 43084 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_timetracker_client | 43085 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_timetracker_locked_project_allowed_tag | 43086 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_timetracker_project | 43087 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_timetracker_tag | 43088 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_timetracker_timeline | 43089 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_timetracker_timeline_entry | 43090 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_timetracker_user_to_client | 43091 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_timetracker_user_to_project | 43092 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_timetracker_work_interval | 43093 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_timetracker_workinterval_to_tag | 43094 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_trusted_servers | 43095 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_twofactor_backupcodes | 43096 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_twofactor_providers | 43097 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_users | 43098 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_users_external | 43099 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_vcategory | 43100 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_vcategory_to_object | 43101 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_weather_city | 43102 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_weather_config | 43103 | Barracuda |
| nextcloud/oc_whats_new | 43104 | Barracuda |
220 rows in set (0.01 sec)

1 Like

Hello !

1- MariaDB [nextcloud]> show variables like ‘innodb_file_format’;
=> Barracuda (ok)
if you not, use:
** Mysql > set global innodb_file_format=Barracuda ; **

2- MariaDB [nextcloud]> show variables like ‘innodb_file_per_table’;
=> ON (ok)
if you not ,use:
** Mysql > set global innodb_file_per_table=1; **

3- MariaDB [nextcloud]> show variables like ‘innodb_large_prefix’;
=> ON (ok)
if you not ,use:
** Mysql > set global innodb_large_prefix=on; **


=> All |Barracuda| (ok)
if you not ,use: state 1-;2- and 3- :wink:

5- Change your databases character set and collation:
mysql> ALTER DATABASE name of nextcloud database CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;

For me:
name of nextcloud database is : db_nextcloud :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
E.g: :upside_down_face:
mysql> ALTER DATABASE db_nextcloud CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;


/ P.S: Don’t restart mysql or mariadb /:sunglasses:

6- Search apache user and occ directory on your configuration.

For me :
user apache= www-data
occ directory= /var/www/html/nextcloud

a) In directory /var/www/html/nextcloud
root@frommmage:~# cd /var/www/html/nextcloud

b) List the content and find occ
root@frommmage:/var/www/html/nextcloud# ls

c) Set the mysql.utf8mb4 config to true in your config.php:

root@frommmage:/var/www/html/nextcloud# sudo -u www-data php occ config:system:
set mysql.utf8mb4 --type boolean --value=“true”

d) Convert all existing tables to the new collation by running the repair step:
root@frommmage:/var/www/html/nextcloud# sudo -u www-data php occ maintenance:repair


If you are: :grimacing:


a) # sudo -u apache php /var/www/html/nextcloud/occ maintenance:mode --on

Option 1: :cold_face::yawning_face:
Repeat the previous steps

Option 2: :face_with_monocle:
Following option 1

root@frommmage:/var/www/html/nextcloud# sudo -u www-data php occ config:system:set mysql.utf8mb4 --type boolean --value=“true”

root@frommmage:/var/www/html/nextcloud# sudo -u www-data php occ maintenance:repair

b) # sudo -u apache php /var/www/html/nextcloud/occ maintenance:mode --off

:partying_face: :crazy_face:

Test .
:clap: :facepunch:

1- https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/stable/admin_manual/configuration_database/mysql_4byte_support.html


Hello !

1- MariaDB [nextcloud]> show variables like ‘innodb_file_format’;
=> Barracuda (ok)
if you not, use:
** Mysql > set global innodb_file_format=Barracuda ; **

2- MariaDB [nextcloud]> show variables like ‘innodb_file_per_table’;
=> ON (ok)
if you not ,use:
** Mysql > set global innodb_file_per_table=1; **

3- MariaDB [nextcloud]> show variables like ‘innodb_large_prefix’;
=> ON (ok)
if you not ,use:
** Mysql > set global innodb_large_prefix=on; **


=> All |Barracuda| (ok)
if you not ,use: state 1-;2- and 3- :wink:

5- Change your databases character set and collation:
mysql> ALTER DATABASE name of nextcloud database CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;

For me:
name of nextcloud database is : db_nextcloud :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
E.g: :upside_down_face:
mysql> ALTER DATABASE db_nextcloud CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;


/ P.S: Don’t restart mysql or mariadb /:sunglasses:

6- Search apache user and occ directory on your configuration.

For me :
user apache= www-data
occ directory= /var/www/html/nextcloud

a) In directory /var/www/html/nextcloud
root@frommmage:~# cd /var/www/html/nextcloud

b) List the content and find occ
root@frommmage:/var/www/html/nextcloud# ls

c) Set the mysql.utf8mb4 config to true in your config.php:

root@frommmage:/var/www/html/nextcloud# sudo -u www-data php occ config:system:
set mysql.utf8mb4 --type boolean --value=“true”

d) Convert all existing tables to the new collation by running the repair step:
root@frommmage:/var/www/html/nextcloud# sudo -u www-data php occ maintenance:repair


If you are: :grimacing:


a) # sudo -u apache php /var/www/html/nextcloud/occ maintenance:mode --on

Option 1: :cold_face::yawning_face:
Repeat the previous steps

Option 2: :face_with_monocle:
Following option 1

root@frommmage:/var/www/html/nextcloud# sudo -u www-data php occ config:system:set mysql.utf8mb4 --type boolean --value=“true”

root@frommmage:/var/www/html/nextcloud# sudo -u www-data php occ maintenance:repair

b) # sudo -u apache php /var/www/html/nextcloud/occ maintenance:mode --off

:partying_face: :crazy_face:

Test .
:clap: :facepunch:

1- https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/stable/admin_manual/configuration_database/mysql_4byte_support.html


I did everything. But still ??? on NC 18

Same problem here. Did everything the documentation and the kind users here suggest. Just updated successfully to Nextcloud 18.0.3, and the issue persists.