Editing online of Word or Excel documents

We used to be able to open and edit Word and Excel online. Now this is no longer possible. To open or edit we need to download the files first.

We have not made any changes to the settings

What do we need to do to get this to work again?

Kind regards, Paul Vos

I had the exactly same issue, described also here:

@Paulvos @Wuschy
Please post more details. Also it is better to use an own thread for an own problem.

ONLYOFFICE is not Nextcloud Office. Nextcloud Office ist Collabora Online. Please post more details. screenshots, apps, settings, …

Hi @devnull

Good hint! Has Netcloud Office maybe automatically been “enabled”? I have disabled the App and now OnlyOffice started working again!

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I don’t know that. I had a look. I don’t have the “Nextcloud Office” app installed, but I don’t use ONLYOFFICE either. But maybe someone knows more. And if it’s not written anywhere, it should be documented. In free Nextcloud instances today, you will find Nextcloud Office and thus Collabora and very rarely ONLYOFFICE. This applies, for example, to Tab.Digital or Shadow Drive who both include Collabora Online for free.